Monday, August 21, 2006

It Seems Too Easy...

...someone defending democracy in the Labour Party. By slagging off the Tory Party. Ho-hum, but who would have thought that they would be a Labour Supporter?

Let us look at what is said.

They get a choice of two stooges put forward by their MPs and their conferences have been Nuremburg rallies since well, since Nuremburg rallies.

Say what you like about Cameron and Davis, but I do not think either one of them is a stooge. They both fought eloquent and different campaigns for the leadership. Ok, I think we elected the wrong guy, but it was democratic for party members. Let me tell you how I know - as a member of the Tory Party, I voted in that leadership election.

And the assertion that Tory Party conferences are like the Nuremberg rallies is somewhere between stupid and utterly offensive. Christ, in this century we should be able to get over the whole "oh, if you are a Tory then you are a Nazi." Because we are not. In the same way that it would be stupid and offensive to call a Labour party member a Stalinist. And whilst the Tory Party conferences are often idiosyncratic, at least we don't eject pensioners for having an opinion.

Of course for most Tory members, the lack of democracy in their party is not a problem, since most of them don't believe in democracy anyway.

Errr, I dare say I know far more Tory members than you and I have yet to meet one who does not believe in democracy. We may not agree with you, but that does not make us undemocratic. In fact, surely disagreeing is key to democracy?

The Tory leadership elections/procedures have not always been as democratic as they could have been, but as Longrider points out in the Comments, that is a decision of the Tory Party. And is also an issue that has been addressed. And until Hague won the leadership, the Tory leadership procedures had a great track record of giving the leadership to electable figures. Unlike the Labour Party. Since World War Two, the Conservative Party has produced six leaders (Churchill, Eden, MacMillan, Heath, Thatcher, Major) who the wider electorate have seen fit to elect. The Labour Party has managed three (Attlee, Wilson, and Blair).

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