Friday, June 09, 2006


Two things that really irritate me.

1. People who stop me on the street. No I don't have any loose change. No I don't want a Big Issue. No I don't want to give to your charity. There is a reason why I am walking down the street with a scowl on my face and ear phones in - I don't want to talk to people. But the ones who really irritate me, to the point of swearing at them, are the people advertising paintballing outside my office.

Picture the scene. I am walking back from Tesco and the paintballing scum, dressed in their blue pseudo-army uniforms, are stood outside my office. There is no way for me to avoid them, they are literally outside the office. So I walk up to my office door, thinking that given I looked tired, pissed off (and yes, a little hungover), am wearing a suit and am carrying a sandwich in a Tesco bag that they cannot possibly think that I am in the mood or even able to go paintballing. But no. Doesn't seem to occur to them. So this slack jawed, bald headed fucknut (who probably believes that his job is marketing when actually what he is doing is corporate begging that is beneath most people with an IQ of, you know, more than 4) stands right in front of me, blocking my path. When I try to go round him, he moves again so he is directly in my way. That's why I told him to "fuck off out of my way". If you can pardon my French.

2. My company's e-mail filters. We cannot receive any files with pictures in. Presumably to stop people sending me porn (chance would be a fine thing). But it also means that if my clients have a logo in their autosignatures, it doesn't get through. If somone sends in a CV with a picture on, it doesn't get through (although that is generally a good thing as most people who put a picture on their CVs aren't worth talking to). However the filters do not pick up on swear words. So this morning I did not get a vital e-mail from a customer but did get an e-mail from a mate that simply had "twat" in the subject field.

Good work, IT! You have managed to support a friend insulting me but have managed not to support me talking to someone who wants to give the company money! Fuck me, this is redefining the phrase "support services."

I think the heat is getting to me. What a shame we can't drink in the office.

Beer, I mean.



At 11:02 pm , Blogger Teddy Dupont said...

Language Timothy!


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