Tuesday, May 23, 2006


This story from here, via here. The Labour party auctioning a copy of the Hutton report signed by Cherie Blair and Alastair Campbell. To earn £400 for party funds (a lot less than their standard charge for a peerage).

Just to clairfy, the Hutton Report was an enquiry into whether this Labour government pushed a man who was a public servant, father and husband into taking his own life. It was a probe into what caused the death of an innocent man in the aftermath, or fallout, from the Iraq war. Regardless of what you make of the findings, it was a serious report into a terrible tragedy.

To auction a copy of the findings off as a casual joke is just plain sickening, as any right minded person must think. It is crass, ignorant and arrogant. Childish and subhuman.

And it also shows you what Cherie Blair et al think of Kelly and his death. It is a joke to them, a humorous event to be mocked in retrospect. And if that is how they view a civil servant, you can bet that is how they view the electorate as a whole.

Utterly disgusting behaviour from the people who are part of our ruling elite.

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