Thursday, June 02, 2011

The War on Drugs and Political Cowardice

The phrase “no shit Sherlock” springs to mind.

Rather like the War on Terror (which is a war on a tactic rather than an actual enemy), the War on Drugs was always a nonsense. The drugs trade is a vast, complicated network that it is almost impossible to fight – particularly when one of the main tools in the Western world to control drugs is to lock up addicts and dealers together in institutions rife with drugs. Put simply, you can’t fight the heroin or cocaine trade. It is like trying to fight international logistics; it isn’t going to happen. For every victory - for every dealer locked up - there are thousands of others out there. And for every poppy field burned, there are thousands of other farmers who depend on the revenue from the drugs trade in order to feed their families.

However defeat in the war on drugs is not the only reason for legalising them – there are more positive reasons for legalisation as well. Put simply, adults should be treated as adults. They should be allowed to choose whether they use narcotics or not – just as they should be able to choose whether they drink alcohol and eat rich, fatty foods. Sure, some people will become drug addicts – just as people become drunks and obese. But that’s the point of being an adult; that’s the point of having choice and therefore how adults can have personal responsibility.

But that is one of the reasons why the governments of the Western World won’t legalise – it involves treating adults like adults, and our governments increasingly believe that we are wayward children who need constant control. Of course the White House has rejected this report; accepting it would involve relinquishing some of its control over its people.

It will also be a courageous politician who advocates drug legalisation, if only because of the hysterical anti-drug rhetoric that has accompanied the ridiculous war on drugs. And, let’s be honest, courage is not something that can be associated with the modern politician…

So drug legalisation is the right and common sense thing to do; ending this pointless failure of a war on inanimate narcotics is the logical thing to do. Unfortunately, the one thing that will guarantee that it won’t happen is the political class.

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At 6:14 pm , Anonymous Timac said...

True that, TNL

At 6:17 pm , Blogger Jim said...

I couldn't agree more. Perhaps I'd add that attempting to police what individuals put into their own bodies (and even more how they choose to stimulate their minds)is the worst kind of restriction of personal (and how much more personal can you get!) freedom.

On a wholly unrelated note, a suggestion: why don't you post your own speculation as to the 'identity' of Dr R Song? We have only two days to indulge in (hopefully) rather more intelligent speculation than occurs on most other such discussion threads.... just an idea ;-)

At 7:19 pm , Blogger The Filthy Engineer said...

I was on a ship on patrol in the carribean a couple of years ago when we stopped and boarded a suspicious vessel on course to Europe. On board were 32 Tonnes of Cocaine. The boarding party, an american law enforcement calmly told me that for every Tonne seized, 5 get through.

wasting our time and money.

At 7:39 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, the reasons for legalisation are so numerous as to be overwhelming. But when it comes right down to it, we each own ourselves and are not serfs.

At 7:45 pm , Anonymous JonP said...

I agree, there's no way any government would change anything - they'd be held responsible when bad things happened and people decide that it wasn't all their own fault after all.

The laws are there to try and protect people, sure lots of people who do drugs are fine, but there are many who aren't. They use their personal freedom to fuck themselves and in many cases those around them up.

Anyway despite being illegal it seems most people still get what they want all the same...

At 8:10 pm , Blogger TonyF said...

For what it's worth, I would legalise all drugs. That would de-mystique them for a start. Tax them so that, like alcohol, some money gets back to those that have to clean the mess up. Scrotes that live on the sale of drugs will either have to go straight (Ha bloody ha)or better, go back to their own countries, in the case of foreigners. We could send some of our spongers with them.

At 10:33 am , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...


I've got a couple of Doctor Who posts in mind - I just need the time to sit down and write them! Watch this space, though...


At 2:32 pm , Blogger James Higham said...

Time to light up.


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