Monday, May 30, 2011

This blog was set-up primarily to discuss politics, with occasional forays into other areas that I find interesting. Yesterday, this blog had its biggest day ever by a country mile in terms of visits, with over 900 people stopping by. And what was the big story that made the vast majority of visitors stop by? The previous day's review of Doctor Who.

I'm fully aware that there are other, and better, websites to head to for a daily fix of politics. But that isn't going to stop me, just for a little bit, from believing that Doctor Who has finally become more importat that politics - just as I knew it would always do...

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At 7:26 pm , Anonymous Single Acts of Tyranny said...

At the risk of sounding Monty Python, 900 visitors, luxury etc...

They come for the Sci-fi but they will stay for the politics


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