Tuesday, June 14, 2011

David Miliband: Still Shit, Just Like His Brother

Of course I watched the Miliband Minor bashing of this past week with an amused smile - as someone who cannot stomach the little turd, it was a beautiful thing to see (well, read about). But what does bother me is the fact that his equally vapid and unlikable brother's unused victory speech has surfaced. It isn't so much the content of the speech, which could be spouted by just about any senior figure in any of the main parties with only the personal touches changed. Rather, it is stuff like this:
He and his wife Louise Shackleton clambered into their car just before 7pm to get home. As he was driven through the late September evening he is said by friends to have recited his undelivered speech in its entirety. In the privacy of the two-hour journey back to Primrose Hill, only his wife heard the address that had been meant for the thousands in the conference hall - but clearly for the country too.
The whole paragraph seems designed to create sympathy for Miliband Major, and almost to fabricate that feeling of "oh, but what if David had been elected rather than Ed?" There almost seems to be this sense in which the Labour party missed out on a great leader when the unions the Labour party chose Miliband Minor over his marginally more famous brother.

What bollocks. What absolute shite. The people who swallow this sort of line are wearing rose-tinted glasses so thick that they are effectively blind to the reality of what is really rather recent history. David Miliband isn't a great lost Labour leader; he's the spineless, geeky fuck who did nothing about torture being used as part of the War on Terror and who preferred to spend his time posing with a fucking banana than deposing the totally destructive and utterly repellent Gordon Brown.

David Miliband is not a great lost Labour leader, nor is he a great lost potential Prime Minister. He's a policy wonk promoted far beyond his level of ability and charisma. Had Labour elected him, they would be facing the same problems as they are with that chinless wonder of a brother of his. It is difficult to know who the right choice was for Labour leader last year, but I'm pretty sure that the right choice didn't have the surname of Miliband.

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At 8:16 pm , Blogger James Higham said...

If either of these two get in, then we need to get out and the last one turn the light out.

At 9:02 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

Yeah, I'll be vacating by grabbing the hind legs of the nearest flying pig.

Seriously, surely no-one - not even the brothers themselves - can seen this pathetic pair as potential Prime Ministers?

At 6:18 pm , Blogger Brace said...

Please tell us what you really think of the Milibrat boys. Haha.

At 7:35 pm , Blogger MU said...

I'm not sure why you'd expect labour to care about torture being used as part of the war on AK47-waving muslims, they're a deeply authoritarian party. On a side note, I think torture of terrorist suspects is a Good Thing, considering these are people who don't exactly abide by any war honour code.

At 7:54 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

So because you believe that they don't adhere to any honour code we should do the same?

At 4:25 pm , Blogger Aldo said...

David Miliband - bottled it against Brown in 2008/09 when he really could've made a difference to his party's electoral fortunes. Also, I believe, kicked off the whole once-a-fortnight rubbish collection thing.

An absolute shit - on so many levels.


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