Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Crippling the Big Society

I'm starting to read a lot that the spending cuts will undermine Cameron's Big Society. This is, of course, utter bollocks. In as much as we can define Cameron's Big Society, it seems to be asking the people of this country to do what the state can no longer afford to do. Therefore, the Big Society is not undermined by spending cuts; rather, it is (at least in part) created by those spending cuts. The more Cameron's government cuts spending (or, rather, cuts the growth in government spending) the more the Big Society will be called on to plug the gaps.

But I'll tell you what will kill off the Big Society - a failure to cut taxes. It is all very well expecting people to volunteer to work for and to donate money to their local communities; it is another thing entirely to expect them to do so while paying the same exorbitant tax rates for fewer services from the government. There's nothing wrong, as far as I am concerned, with expecting individuals and their community to take more responsibility for their own communities. There is something naive about expecting them to do so while still giving such a high percentage of their incomes to the government.

Spending cuts won't kill the Big Society; taxes will.

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At 2:31 pm , Blogger Bobski said...

I don't know about you but I can't think of anyone in the MSM calling for tax cuts as an economic stimulus plan.

At 11:53 pm , Anonymous Jim said...

What will kill the BS (a very suitable set of initials) is the refusal of the State to let volunteers do anything anyway other than the 'correct' H&S, PC way. Everything will have to be done according to the local govt blueprint, which of course is fiendishly expensive, and mindnumbingly boring for those involved - masses of forms to fill in, courses to be attended, guidelines to be followed. No one will want to get involved because it'll be just like working for the State, but for free. Who wants to give up their time to fill in pointless bits of paper? Helping people in the community yes, being an unpaid paper shuffler - no thanks!

If iDave and the ConDems were serious about the BS they would exempt all local voluntary organisations from all State interference. Let people just get on with doing stuff, not being box tickers. But that would never do. It might show up the rest of the State sector for the waste of time and money it is.


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