Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sweet Jesus, what fresh hell is this?
Former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith is to make a documentary about the pornography industry for the BBC.

Mrs Smith resigned from her cabinet post after it was revealed she claimed expenses for two pay-per-view porn films watched by her husband.
Right, so Jacqui Smith - an abject failure as a politician - is (presumably) being paid by a public funded body to make a documentary about porn? What precisely is her qualification for this role? Oh, I know, the fact that she charged some of her husband's wank material to the British taxpayer. Just as well she didn't kill someone, or the BBC would be paying her to make a film about murder.

I know dignity and Nu Labour politicians are two concepts that will never exist together in the same room, but honest to fucking God, is it too much to ask that cretins like Smith just fuck off out of the limelight when they are justly turfed out of the corridors of power?

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At 6:55 pm , Blogger asquith said...

Well, we know be relied upon to express authoritarian views & be outraged at everything. That must be what her qualification is, the fact that she takes the sort of line the programme makers want.

At 6:56 pm , Blogger asquith said...

"we know be"

Should be "we know she can be"...


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