Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Labour Vitriol Against The Liberal Democrats

Well, this is going to whip the Labourites into an even greater anti-Liberal Democrat fever:
"I totally understand that some of these people are not happy with what the Lib Dems are doing in coalition with the Conservatives. The Lib Dems never were and aren't a receptacle for left-wing dissatisfaction with the Labour Party. There is no future for that; there never was."
Well, the problem Clegg's got is that for some, the Lib Dems were a receptacle for left-wing dissatisfaction with the Labour party; it is just for him and his fellow Orange Bookers that its not. But I do think that the future for the Lib Dems isn't in joining with the Labour party again. And the main reason for that is the behaviour of many in the Labour party since the election.

Since the Lib Dems did the only thing they realistically could in May and joined in coalition with the Tories, the Labour party have acted like a bunch of mad stalkers that have been spurned by the object of their affections. The level of bile that the Labour party have heaped on the Lib Dems is entirely out of proportion with their "crime"; after all, the Lib Dems joined with the effective winners of the last election, but before they did that, they negotiated with Labour and certainly gave that party the chance to win them over. But no, the Labour party have acted with arrogance and bile towards the Lib Dems; the occasional lip service paid by some of the contenders for the Labour leadership to the idea of the future Lib-Lab pact doesn't make-up for the bitter vitriol thrown at the Lib Dems by the Labour party since May.

Labour are still in shock from their defeat in May and still labouring under the delusion that they are in some way entitled to power. It is the same arrogance that defined Nu Labour, and ultimately sank the Brown administration. The Labour party still expects to be in power, and if they can't achieve it by themselves, then they expect the Lib Dems to prop them up. The fact that Clegg and Co. chose not remains a point of bitter contention for the Labour party. And given the level of bile thrown at the Lib Dems, I really don't see whatever future they might have resting on an alliance with Labour.

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At 7:58 pm , Blogger asquith said...

None of the Labour candidates sound as objectionable as Blair or Brown were, but I wonder if that's just because they are now the opposition so they have to act nice. I probably think I would put my x next to Clegg again, I won't claim to be a coalition ringlicker but what I don't like about them I will oppose through non-partisan means as I don't support any known opposition party.

Did you see Philip Hensher? He asks the all-important question, which is that of what the flaming fuck it is that Lib Dem dissidents actually want Clegg to have done.

As for your analysis, I wouldn't dismiss their prospects next time, certainly not on the basis of their poll rating, which is noticeably changeable & tends to be much lower when there's no election on anyway.

The best thing for them to do is to talk about things the government have done that a Conservative government wouldn't have done. There are many such things, for example the pupil premium, raising the income tax rate, the forcefulness on the civil liberties agenda, etc.

They can also say that people like Dominic Grieve, Ken Clarke etc, although they are Tories, got into such high positions & doing so much because they were of a liberal tendency rather than being authoritarians. That, they will want to say, is them too.

I am interested in what is coming out of the DWP as well, after hearing more about it, it seems as though Steve Webb & Duncan Smith might be hitting on ome good shite, whereas I'd never liked Duncan Smith before.

The knives will be out most of all for Osborne & Gove, whom I've never carried a torch for & won't start now.


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