Monday, August 16, 2010

Blair the Greedy vs Brown the Noble

From the Twitter feed of Gus Baker:
Tony Blair wants £150 4 a signed copy of his memoir. Gordon Brown affirms that all proceeds from his book will go to charity. #justsaying
Probably being a bit cynical here, but I rather think that the reason why Blair is charging £150 for a signed copy of his book is because people are willing to pay £150 for his book. Fuck knows why, though. However, I think the chances of anyone paying that amount for a signed copy of Brown's book is less than zero, so why on earth would he embarrass himself by trying to ask for it?

I think we're all supposed to be impressed by the fact that Gordon is giving the proceeds of his no doubt entirely self-serving and largely unreadable book to charity. I'd be more impressed is (a) Brown wasn't writing said book at the expense of the taxpayer while neglecting his duties as an MP and (b) if this book was destined to be in the remainder bins across the country within weeks of its release.

Just sayin' is all.


And now Blair's got in on the charity act - he's giving millions to the Royal British Legion. I'm sure I won't be alone in noting that if Blair really wanted to help soldiers, then he might not have sent them into an illegal war without the equipment they so clearly needed.

What is nice about this, though, is that it is likely to be a yet another way in which Blair will best Brown. Since his book will almost certainly sell more than Brown's, he'd going to be better at the "giving book proceeds to charity" competition that he has just started. And what's the betting that's a big part of the reason for this announcement?

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At 1:05 pm , Blogger Bucko said...

So in a few months, Gordon Brown will be donating £3.50 and 95 tonnes of pulped paper to charity?

What a guy!

At 1:11 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

I know. Surely if he was as environmentally focussed as he sometimes made himself out to be he should just avoid publishing his book and therefore in doing so not waste so much paper?


At 2:28 pm , Blogger JohnRS said...

I see that B.Liar has announced that he's donating his £4.6m advance plus all book profits to the Royal British Legion.

I think he's spent too long with his Middle Eastern friends if he thinks that paying any amount of blood money will absolve him of his guilt for the wars he started.

At 8:04 pm , Blogger TonyF said...

I thought it was illegal for criminals to make money from 'selling' their stories....

At 9:32 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...


Only convicted criminals. Which is yet another reason why Blair should stand trial.


At 8:32 pm , Blogger TonyF said...

Bugger, I knew there would be a catch.


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