Friday, December 11, 2009

Moronic Hysteria of the Day

Every now and again, I see a piece of hysterical hyperbole that literally makes me stop in my tracks and stare in a sort of state of glazed wonder at what some people will print. Via Trixy, I give you this staggering comment on smoking:
Properly understood, smoking is a moral affront every time. So long as we smile on it, we are approving a holocaust.
Yes. Yes, of course. Smoking is like the Holocaust. Having a puff on a cheeky cigarette is like the systematic murder of millions of people by an obscene totalitarian regime. Yes, the two are absolutely comparable. In the same way that a mild cold is comparable to a massive, fatal heart attack. And as such, it is the sort of comparison that could only be made by someone really, really dense. Or someone who has suffered brain death.

The only moral affront here is that a shrill, hysterical hack would dare to claim that a personal habit he does not personally approve of is like one of the darkest events in human history. Not for the first time, I - a non-smoker- want to light up a fag, just to piss off the sanctimonious lackwits who see smoking as some sort of crime against humanity.

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