Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Leaving the Office the Malcolm Tucker Way

Much has been made (not least on this blog) about the close relationship between The Thick of It to what passes for politics in this country today. Which got me thinking about the ending to the most recent episode (spoilers ahead). Malcolm Tucker's behaviour after his forced resignation was breathtakingly bad, but completely in keeping with his character. He certainly didn't leave quietly. The shouting, the swearing, the threats of violence, the physical intimidation of others topped off by his ominous threat that they would see him again made it a particularly memorable departure from the corridors of power.

I've no idea whether the resignation of Alastair Campbell unfolded in such a dramatic way. However, I'm pretty sure that Downing Street will see a departure like the one depicted in The Thick of It before long. Think about it - the refusal to accept reality, the blind rage, the swearing, bullying and final threat to return: I reckon it is the perfect depiction of how Gordon Brown's departure will go...

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At 9:55 am , Blogger Pavlov's Cat said...

My brother and I were discussing this only the other day.

As he pointed out that it is a tribute to the writing and acting, that despite his previous behaviour
you actually feel sorry for Malcolm.

After all he is only trying to do his job which is protect the party and most of that is damage control

Not from attacks from outside, but on actions caused by the useless bunch of incompetants he has been saddled with.

(as an aside I'm sorry we haven't seen AL Jolson lover Jamie back. He and Malcolm were a classic double act in the 'speciels')

At 10:03 am , Blogger Costello said...

"(as an aside I'm sorry we haven't seen AL Jolson lover Jamie back. He and Malcolm were a classic double act in the 'speciels')"

Hell yes. Myself and some friends were complaining the other day about the lack of Jamie in the current series. Here's hoping for an epic return in the season finale as the old Tucker/MacDonald double act returns for vengeance.

At 1:20 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

I did love Jamie's rant about builders in the film In The Loop.

Perhaps he'll be Malcolm's replacement?


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