Sunday, November 29, 2009

LPUK: A New Leader

So, the Libertarian Party has a new leader - Mr Chris Mounsey. Many of you will probably better know him by his blogging alias... Now, some might worry about having a leader who uses the occasional cuss word in some of his blog posts. I personally think DK will make a fantastic leader. He is one of the founding members of the party, and he has travelled the country (often at his own expense) spreading the Libertarian message. He is eloquent and passionate about the cause, and that is to be valued as the party looks to grow its base and become a credible force in British politics.

It is also work giving a tip of the hat to outgoing leader Ian Parker-Joseph. I remember when LPUK was noting more than a message board on the internet. The fact that it did not die at birth and has become both a party capable of contesting elections is something that happened under the leadership of Ian Parker-Joseph. And it is always worth keeping in mind that the UK's Libertarian party is not like the larger political parties. Those who run the Libertarian Party do so whilst holding down other jobs and having to deal with a whole host of other commitments. Leading a political party is massive challenge even for paid political professionals; the fact that the Libertarian party has managed to consolidate itself as much as it has done is a testament to the hard work of the likes of Ian PJ.

But anyway, onwards and upwards. I look forward to seeing what plans the new leader has...

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