Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Obama on Afghanistan

Barack Obama has been talking about Afghanistan and pontificating on "finishing the job". Now, sometimes I wonder why that particular part of the "War on Terror" is still ongoing. Fortunately Barack is there to remind us. Yes, it is about whupping the butts of al-Qaeda:
"We are going to dismantle and degrade their capabilities and ultimately dismantle and destroy their networks"
Funny, but that sounds to be a lot like the rhetoric of one George W Bush. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. But in fairness, I'm fine with the idea of effectively destroying al-Qaeda. And I am A-Ok with the idea out of getting the hell out of Afghanistan. The key question is how. And I wait with bated breath for someone in power to come up with some sort convincing plan. Rather than spouting tired rhetoric about fighting al-Qaeda...

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At 2:52 pm , Blogger Martin said...

Barack Obama has been talking about Afghanistan and pontificating on "finishing the job".

This man won the nobel peace prize.

Satire sometimes writes itself.

At 9:42 am , Blogger Letters From A Tory said...

The scary thing is that a President's tough-talking seems to have an alarmingly large effect on the American psyche.


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