Friday, November 06, 2009

A comment about Anthony Sowell, America's latest serial killer:
"We kept away from him and he kept away from us," said neighbor Tamica Pierceton, 26. "We should have said something to someone. I wish I had."
One can attribute that statement to shock, and excuse it because of that. Otherwise, it just begs to be pulled apart. What could be said to someone about the apparently stinky Sowell? "Oh, that man smells bad, he must be bad." Or "Jesus, he needs to take a wash, like, seriously!" Being smelly is unfortunately not enough to show that someone is evil. Otherwise the aromatic tramp who sits by the canal in Nottingham drinking super strength cider all day everyday is just about the most evil person in the world. And who is the someone that something should be said to? The police? Because not even in America has it become a crime to stink to high heaven. And some might say that being stinky is enough to arose suspicion that you might have corpses sitting around the house. However, there is no causal link between serial killing and being a little whiffy. Otherwise, the vast majority of fat people on the tube on a hot summer's day are amongst the worse mass murderers ever to walk this earth. Judging by the smell, I mean...

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