Monday, November 02, 2009

Heseltine gets it right!

Well, that was a title I never thought I would be using.

But Tarzan does impart some wisdom here. He is right that Cameron may well need to form a coalition after the next election and that is something that Cameron should definitely be preparing for right now.

And he was also correct when he said:
David Cameron "does not need 77-year-olds in his government", he said.

Lord Heseltine would be that age by the time the next election is held.

"We do not have the physical stamina to sit up all night reading those interminable papers, arriving for breakfast meetings or whatever it may be, six days a week, or five-and-a-half days a week," he said.
It isn't just the age-factor; it is also what Heseltine and his lot represent. They would be a hangover from the end of the Major regime - a regime that, lest we forget, was about as popular as herpes 12 years ago. It would remind many of the old Tory brand, and damage Cameron's decontamination exercise. And the message it sends out - that Cameron has to rely on the discredited by association leaders of the last Conservative government - is not one that Cameron should or would even want to send out.

And it shouldn't just be the 77 year old Heseltine that Cameron ignores. He should also ignore certain other big beasts who will be expecting - despite a total lack of credibility - a key position in the new government.

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