Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Undesirables and Criminals

Via Mr Eugenides, a startlingly jarring and utterly inappropriate quote from some cuntrag of an MP:
Mr Wilshire wrote: “The witch hunt against MPs in general will undermine democracy. It will weaken parliament - handing yet more power to governments. Branding a whole group of people as undesirables led to Hitler’s gas chambers.”
First up, people knowing more about what their thieving shites elected representatives are up to is not bad for democracy. The whole expenses scandal is good for democracy. What it hasn't been good for is cockbags like Wilshire. But his interests - and the other greedy, truculent pigs in the House of Commons - are not synonymous with democracy. And it certainly won't be handing more power to those in government - the very fact that these absolute fucking arses have had so much control over their own remuneration is how they have ended up in this mess.

And the line about Hitler's gas chambers... My God. How insulting is that? To compare the justified outrage against MPs with the horrors of the Holocaust? How dare this cunt make that sort of a comparison? How dare he? A massive ego combined with a massive persecution complex is the only way to explain that comparison. But since Wilshire is too lost in his own self-importance to take into account even the most basic of facts, let me spell out a few things to him. First of all, the Jews were not just branded as undesirables. They were cast out of the economy, they were robbed, they were stigmatised, they were forced into ghettos and then sent into camps where they lost their lives as the result of a callous, cold-hearted genocide. Contrast this with MPs, who have been branded as undesirable owing to a massive fraud committed by some of their number against the British people. As a result, some of them have lost their jobs, and some of them have had to pay back some of their ill-gotten gains. A comparison of the plight of MPs with that of the Jews in Nazi Germany is a sickening as it is crass and inappropriate.

One final point - societies across the world do designate people as undesirables all the time. However, it isn't based on race or gender or religion. No, the people now classed as undesirable are those who have committed crimes and have not been punished for them. And if certain MPs are falling into the undesirable category, it is because they appear to have committed fraud against the very people they are meant to represent. So you'll forgive me if I don't feel much sympathy for them...

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At 9:15 am , Blogger Unknown said...

"To compare the justified outrage against MPs with the horrors of the Holocaust?"

But is the outrage justified? That's your presupposition. All you are doing here is saying, I'm right because I'm right and they're wrong.

Try analytical approaches sometime. Or logical argument.

At 10:15 am , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

Oh Good God, here we fucking go.

I would have thought that my article made it clear exactly why I claim (rather than presuppose) that the outrage is justified. Through the use of terms such as "thieving" and "fraud". Some MPs have stolen from the very people they are meant to be serving. Maybe that is ok with you, Ciraric, but it certainly isn't with me. And a lot of other people in this democracy. Besides, Ciraric, what is your argument here? That MPs were right to make as much money as they could from the taxpayer? That Wilshire was right to compare the outrage against MPs with the genocide committed by the Nazis?

I am fucking sick to death of apologists for the MPs who have committed fraud against the people of this country. You can argue that expenses are part of the perks of any job; you'd be wrong, of course, but I'd know where you are coming from. However, public servants rinsing the public purse for their own personal gain is absolutely unacceptable. And anyone who defends those MPs is effectively defending criminal behaviour.

On top of that, anyone who defends Wilshire's comment is beyond ignorant to boot.



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