Harman On The Sun
Harriet Harman on the desertion of The Sun:
Harriet Harman has said Labour "won't be bullied" after the Sun said it would not back Labour at the next election.
The Sun must be shitting itself. Although the Labour refusal to bullied probably won't stop The Sun from giving it a try.
Opening a debate about equalities at the Labour conference, Harriet Harman said she was speaking about "something the Sun knows absolutely nothing about - equality".
She went on: "Let's face it, the nearest their political analysis gets to women's rights is Page 3's news in briefs."
Which is all very true, but somehow less easy to defend when you factor in the shameless way in which the Labour party courted Murdoch's tabloid under Blair. The Sun may have no idea about equality, and may have all the political sophistication of a wank rag, but it is only now that The Sun doesn't love them anymore that Labour have actually noticed this.
"The Sun may have no idea about equality, and may have all the political sophistication of a wank rag...
Woah! The Sun is the most sophisticated and subtle political newspaper of all. Quite what their game is was never quite clear to me (apart from selling more newspapers and getting more people to subscribe to Sky; with the aim of winning more power; and then using that power to sell more newspapers; hence winning yet more power etc ad infinitum).
As to equality, I see more women reading The Sun on the train than men reading it, so they must have tapped into something.
I don't doubt that The Sun is clever as well as sutble and manipulative. However, their political coverage does tend to be rather simplistic to say the least.
I think Harman only mentioned equality because she threw her jibe about The Sun into a debate on equality. She'd probably have managed to have her pop at Labour's ex-friend whatever she'd been talking about. It is also interesting that she mentions women's rights, since the undertone of what she says is that women's rights seems to mean women have the right to choose to act only in exactly the way Harriet Harman wants them to act.
I'm fairly certain that the Page 3 models are not forced to take their clothes off at gunpoint.
Apparently, they even get paid for it....
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