Monday, March 02, 2009

Outrageous Statement of the Day

From Harriet Harman on that banker's pension:
"The Prime Minister has said it is not acceptable and therefore it will not be accepted. It might be enforceable in a court of law, this contract, but it's not enforceable in the court of public opinion and that's where the Government steps in."
I mean, really, there is just so much wrong with that statement it is nearly impossible to start tearing it apart. But let's have a go anyway.

The Prime Minister saying something is not acceptable does not mean it really isn't going to be accepted. After all, the Prime Minister used to say the bust part of the economic cycle wasn't acceptable, and actually wouldn't happen any more. Hasn't stopped us from, y'know, experiencing one of the worst recessions in living memory.

And this contract might well be enforeceable in a court of law - I'm guessing, given all the ranting and raving about it, that it is. Which is why we have courts - to make sure the law can be enforced. The court of public opinion - as Harman euphemistically calls the baying of an angry mob whipped up into a state of ire by a deceitful government - is severally limited in its scope and wisdom. Which is why we have courts, for fuck's sake. The government should not step in to shit on the rule of law just because the mob is angry about something that the government has worked very hard to make them angry about. They may as well reintroduce the death penalty (perhaps some sort of stake burning) for the dirty paedos, for fuck's sake.

It speaks volumes about the arrogance and the attitide of both Harriet Harman and the Labour government that they see it as their duty to override the law to recoup cash from a shitty contract that they signed off on in the first place. And it also speaks volumes about their fucking political myopia that they are still banging on about this days after it first became a story. Goodwin's pension doesn't actually matter in the fucking slightest, compared to the other problems threatening to drown this country. And I for one would like Harman, Brown and all the other fucking morons who pretend to govern us to focus on other, more pressing problems. Like the towering levels of debt they have saddled this country with in their insane attempts to nationalise the private sector in this country.

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At 11:53 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This law change should they decide to do so could have very interesting implications for the cabinet's own pensions dontcha think? No reward for failure. That rather knocks Gordon's massive pension on the head?? :)

Every cloud...



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