Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Doctor Who Is Gay (Not)

Obviously, a story about a man who travels either by himself or with attractive girls who he doesn't get down 'n' dirty with is always going to encourage knowing smirks from some and strident protests from others. For my part, I would maintain that the Doctor is more asexual than homosexual or heterosexual. I would also maintain that it is not real, and therefore worrying about his sexuality is a bit of a waste of time.

Just sit back and enjoy the stories, for Christ's sake.

But this makes an interesting point. Yes, there has been an increase in the awareness of homosexuality in Doctor Who, culminating in Captain Jack kissing the Doctor in The Parting of the Ways. But there has been an overall rise in sexuality in Doctor Who. The "dancing" so constantly referred to in The EmptyChild/The Doctor Dances is a clear euphemism for sex. ("The world doesn't end because the Doctor dances.") Davies is aware times have changed since An Unearthly Child and, as long the references are subtle and not in your face, it is OK to address sexuality. However the article makes an interesting point - that there is a gay conspiracy behind the programme.

I don't agree, not least because some of the facts are just plain wrong. Mainly owing to this assertion:

"Only one of the writers in the first series was in fact heterosexual, the magnificently bearded Robert Shearman; his story, 'Dalek', was one of the highest rated in the series, but of all the writers in the first series, he is the only one not to have been asked back."

True, to my knowledge Robert Shearman is not gay. And he was not asked back. But also first series writers Paul Cornell and Steven Moffat are not gay - in fact I think the latter two are married. And whilst Cornell was not asked back for the second series (he will be back for a two episode story in the third season though), Moffat was. And he too will be back for the third series.

It irritates me that people have to take the success of something and complain about it. The new series has some flaws, but generally is hugely entertaining and deserving of the massive success it currently enjoys. Let's just be happy rather than harping on the bad points.

But I love the article. I love it because I have been a Doctor Who follower since I was a kid. And most of that time the show has been a TV memory, a cheap laugh for stand-up comedians. Now, people are talking about it. Now people are debating it, loving it, hating it. And it is back in Prime Time, and getting better and better...

Don't believe me? Well these guys are back next week...



At 9:34 am , Blogger The Moai said...

Don't you mean these guys, old chap? It's one of the best birthday presents I could have :)

At 11:59 am , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

Duly noted and rectified old bean. Wouldn't happen if I was a Cyberman...

At 8:23 pm , Blogger Teddy Dupont said...

He is clearly a total bender. The facts must be told.


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