Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Biopower and Smoking: Why It Matters

For those of you not aware of the work of Michel Foucault*, allow me to introduce the concept of Biopower. What's Biopower, you may be asking? Surely not something to do with the environment? Nope, it is about control:
For Foucault, biopower, is a technology of power, which is a way of managing people as a group. The distinctive quality of this political technology is that it allows for the control of entire populations. It is thus essential to the emergence of the modern nation state, modern capitalism, etc. Biopower is literally having power over other bodies, "an explosion of numerous and diverse techniques for achieving the subjugations of bodies and the control of populations" [2]. It relates to the government's concern with fostering the life of the population, and centers on the poles of discipline ("an anatomo-politics of the human body") and regulatory controls ("a biopolitics of the population").
And why mention this today? Well:
Smoking should be banned in all cars as well as in public places where young people congregate, doctors are urging.

The Royal College of Physicians wants England's imminent review of anti-smoking laws to consider such measures to protect the young.
See, some will look at the decision to advocate the banning of smoking in cars and wonder what all the fuss is about. After all, if it helps da kids be healthy, who could possibly object? Of course, that is precisely what the government wants you to think. It is why children are mentioned in the article. It becomes difficult for people to argue against it, and those who do can be painted as people who don't mind da kids getting hurt.

But this isn't about passive smoking; it is about control and compliance. The incumbent government have decided that smoking is A Bad Thing. No, more than that - they have decided that smoking does not fit in with their worldview in any way whatsoever. And as such, smokers are Bad People and their habit needs to be eradicated. We've already seen a man go to prison over the smoking ban in pubs; the message that is sent out now is that smoking is criminal.

Yet why does this matter if you don't smoke? Because the government has an idea of a perfect person in their dystopian brave new world, and that person doesn't just not smoke. He or she also doesn't drink. They don't eat fatty foods. Hell, their BMI is perfect at all times. They comply with a government diktat on what it is to be healthy; they don't think for themselves, or challenge those rules. Just as they don't challenge other things, such as the erosion of the right to protest. Nor do they challenge the behaviour of their troughing political class. Or the erosion of both liberalism and democracy in what purports to be a liberal democracy.

And now someone has gone to prison in relation to smoking, the precedent has been set. Others can go to prison for the same thing. Given long enough, the stage will be set for withholding medical treatment from those who smoke and have smoking related illnesses (despite the fact that smokers are forced to contribute to the healthcare system whether they like it or not). And once that has happened, the same fate can be bestowed on the fatties and the boozehounds. Until we end up in the distressing position where those who do not conform to the government's view of how someone should live is dismissed as less than human.

I don't smoke, but I'll stand with the smoker when the government comes to control them. Because the government isn't just seeking compliance from those who wish to spark up in the car - they are seeking compliance from everyone.

*And his work is well worth reading, even if you don't end up agreeing with him on everything or, indeed, pretty much anything.

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At 6:57 pm , Blogger TonyF said...

I don't smoke, and I think that people that smoke near children are fools. However, I agree with what you say. It is the thin end of a huge wedge, taking 'nanny state' to 'warder state'.

At 7:07 pm , Anonymous Humph said...

I went to my doctor a month ago about a rash/ itch problem I can't sort out on my feet. After 20 minutes of trying to diagnose, she asked me if I was still smoking. Wtf? I meekly took the leaflet she gave me & drove home.

This morning I woke up to this and nearly spat my coffee all over my iPhone and the Sky News page reporting on this egregious piece of shite. Whilst enjoying my first cigarette of the day I hasten to add.

What was the quote? "It may be difficult to enforce in people's private gardens ...". What?? You fucking what????!!! Yes you're right there, cos guess what, it's MY fucking private garden. And its OUTSIDE. Jesus fucking wept!!!

And in my car???!! I tell you what doctors/ MPs/ total cunts/ whatever you are - just go fuck yourselves. Do some proper doctoring and just leave me the fuck alone. And where DO these bullshit stats com from? EVERYONE of my era grew up in a smoke filled car and smoke filled house. How many of my friends have I known who had asthma? One.

Listen here Mr Nameless. It is your 'fault' I got into Libertarianism - yours is the first blog I stumbled on somehow - I think I Googled 'Gordon Brown is a cunt' - and I will be eternally grateful to you for opening my eyes to this. But I just can't take it anymore. I've lived in the Middle East twice in the past 7 years, and whilst they have their own issues in that part of the world, life for someone who enjoys a smoke, enjoys a drink and hell, just enjoys life, its a damn sight fucking easier than here. Fuck me, ANYWHERE bar the obvious candidates must be better to live in than this fucking hellhole.

So I'm off again. Makes no difference who wins the election. This country has just been damaged beyond repair and is simply not a nice place to live. And for anyone who thinks this is defeatist or whatever, just fuck off too - I want my kids to have an enjoyable life, so does my wife and so the fuck do I.

Sorry to rant on your blog, I need to start my own. This is me at the moment

What I find really contemptible about these people is that they are directly accusing me of trying to damage, nay, kill my own children. I agreed at the (not unreasonable) request of my wife to smoke outside the house 18 years ago or so, long before kids were born. I never smoke in the car when they are there. I never let smoke get over them when I'm outside with them. I'd lay down my life in a heartbeat for either of them. So I tell you what bansturbators, go fuck yourselves again. I don't need to be told how to live my life cos guess what, I am a normal, sensible, rational human being. I know what's best for my kids and I know what risks I'm prepared to take and which I'm not. My body, my choice. I'd prefer it if you jumped in a vat of acid, but if you can't do that, then PLEASE JUST FUCKING LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. NOW.

At 5:24 pm , Blogger asquith said...

Excellent comment Humph, you're too right that Brown is a cunt. You wonder who the fuck these people are who not only vote Labour, but have even swung back to them recently, don't you?

Actually I don't, because I know a lot of government loyalists. They are reasonably ok people, but they somehow haven't grasped that Labour are shite. Even though they've done more than enough for just about all of us, left or right, to slag them off.

At 8:49 pm , Blogger DaveA said...

My take on the Royal College of Physicians report, some parts they have lied.

"I have just been reviewing the "evidence" that ther RCP has offered. There are few references to medical papers except one. The Rose 1985 "Sick Individuals" paper does not cover childhood infection but is about epidemiological aetilogy (etiology) a posh word for causation.

Also on the Powerpoint slide below from RCP's "case" on they plot a graph of various infections between incidence and socioeconomic status. The less affluent you are the more likely you are to smoke (15% vs 30%), but also the more likely to live in less hygenic homes. Smoking could be more of a marker of relative poverty.

Firstly middle ear infection has a very small non statistical inverse relationship between smoking and incidence. I.e. the more second hand smoke the less likely you are to contract middle ear infection.

Asthma incidence in a smoking home again has a non significant raised risk of 1.25. But as these homes children are twice as likely to be exposed it just confirms that SHS protects children from 37.5% by the RCP's standards.

Meningitis is bacterial or viral infection and just cannot be put down to smoking. If you look at some of the most deprived estates in this country with heroin needles, rats, rubbish etc it is far easier to put meningitis down to infection from the environment, the same for wheeze and lower respiritory tract infections.

So in conclusion it is junk science and the RCP is guilty of venal publication bias.,5,Socioeconomic status


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