Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I haven't commented to much on the latest scandal to hit the Labour party. Mainly because I've barely noticed it. It isn't that I think this scandal isn't important - quite the opposite, in fact - but it comes down to the fact that there are now so many scandals within this current parliament that they just become white noise. I can barely distinguish one scandal from another. In fact, when I now hear of a scandal, I shake my head yet note to myself that this just seems to be be par for the course. Things have got so bad that I'd actually be more surprised by a news report citing good behaviour from an MP, and a general lack of corruption. But there's no chance of that happening anytime soon.

So the only thing I really want to point out about this scandal is this: look at the names involved. Byers. Hoon. Hewitt. If you had had to choose three Nu Labour ex-ministers to be caught up in this sort of scandal then I bet these three names would have been in your top 5.

But I'm being harsh. I'm judging based on my own personal disdain for these jokers. Yet everything about this scandal is intuitively plausible. We are in a position where an MP accused of corruption is considered to be guilty until proven innocent. And it is their fault; it is the fault of each and every MP who has dragged Parliament's reputation into the dirt through their atrocious behaviour. As it stands, I think only one thing will truly change this, and that is on the day that the rancid carcass of this bloated, corrupt government is dragged from the corridors of power and immolated in Parliament Square for the good of the people.

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At 9:38 am , Blogger Letters From A Tory said...

"there are now so many scandals within this current parliament that they just become white noise."

It's like 1997 all over again.


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