Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hating Gordon Brown

I’m always a bit surprised when I hear that people hate David Cameron. Sure, I think he is a vacuous chancer; an empty suit devoid of policies and convictions. And his larking around with huskies shortly after he became Tory leader remains, for me, the defining image of his leadership thus far; more interested in fashionable images that in real politics. I find him frustrating and lightweight – but I’m still surprised with the bile that some people feel towards him. Hate seems a bit strong when a certain level of eye-rolling and weariness is all Cameron needs. And I’m completely taken aback when people say they hate him more that Gordon Brown.

But then that begs the question – why do I despise Brown so much? Is he really that much worse than “Hug a Husky” Cameron?

Part of the reason for my Brown hatred is arrogance, I suppose. Don’t get me wrong, I think you have to be a little bit arrogant to want to become Prime Minister in the first place. If you aren’t convinced that you’re right, then why bother to put yourself in a position of power and claim that you know better than your fellow citizens? Cameron is arrogant, to be sure – as is Clegg and all the others who seek the highest of high office. Yet almost every politician I can think of wears their arrogance better than Gordon Brown. Not only is Brown certain that he’s right, but if you dare not to agree with him he’ll do everything in his power to bully and/or break you. He doesn’t just patronise those who don’t agree; he hates them and can’t help but let that hate ooze from every pore in his corpulent body.

But there is a far simpler reason why I hate Brown; he was (as predicted by so many, including his own colleagues) an absolute fucking disaster as PM. He screwed this country; he brought us to our knees economically and turned the drama of the recession into a financial apocalypse of a crisis. And he left us with nothing of any value from his years in Number 10; there is nothing to balance his financial failures against. Even a book like Brown At 10 - a tome desperate to appear balanced – cannot hide the fact that Brown basically had no successes as PM to his name, other than not being deposed by his cowardly, inept colleagues.

Of course, Cameron may yet prove to be just as disastrous, and I may grow to properly hate him too. But I suspect that he will struggle to match the arrogant incompetence that so defines Brown – and explains why I find him so utterly odious.

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At 10:11 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be fair to Gordon a lot of the problems during his time as PM was caused by the Tony Blair's chancellor. What was his name?

At 10:44 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think people on the left hate Cameron for who he is: A Tory

Whereas the people on the right hate him for who he isn't: A Tory

In my opinion, he hasn't done anything that contemptible yet. Yes, I know he has lied and bullshitted his way through some things since coming to power, but he hasn't got anywhere near Brown's level of fuckwittery… yet…

At 5:50 pm , Anonymous Timac said...

I thought he was a disaster as a PM too but I can tell you that outside of politics he's a really nice guy. A close family member and, independently, a good friend know him quite well and like him

If it's worth anything I am a Libertarian surrounded by socialists. It's lonely here!

At 6:41 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dunno - just a feeling, but right now I doubt Cameron possesses the same talent for monumental incompetence as the Turd who preceded him. But, there's still plenty of time!

At 7:44 pm , Blogger david cameron's forehead said...

I never hated Brown because, as much as some say otherwise, he always struck me as being decent, honest, principled & hard-working. The only problem is that he was a fuckwit, so no good came of any of the above.

I do hate Blair, albeit I try not to think of him at all. Even seeing his autobiography in a shop enrages me. Whereas I saw one of Brown's books on a market stall the other day & didn't care.

At 3:17 pm , Anonymous Bessie said...

My particular dislike of Gordon Brown stems from my feeling that his policies as Chancellor and PM favoured the underclasses at the expense of the aspirational classes. That is, he vetoed Frank Field's 'unthinkable' plans on welfare dependency, and he attempted to pay the bills by encouraging a perpetual boom in the financial sector. The boom had the unintended consequence of making decent housing unaffordable for the lower middle classes: that is, people like me and my family.

We are now trying to persuade our own children that they should go to university and get the qualifications for a good career, just as we did. However, some of their friends whose parents are on benefits live in bigger houses than ours. This damages our case somewhat.

Therefore I don't think much of Gordon Brown. I may eventually have a similarly low opinion of David Cameron, but I'll reserve judgement until we see the effects of his policies.

At 5:16 pm , Anonymous Brown'an out said...

Amazing how the media have failed to follow up on the general public's obvious continuing contempt for this windy wanker, and its frustrated desire to see him utterly humiliated. Apart from the ignominy of finally being sacked at Nick Clegg's behest, The Browner has not suffered nearly enough for all the ghastliness he inflicted on our country. He has been allowed to retreat to his Kircaldy (rhymes with "Shoddy") bunker and is free to pop down to the HofC whenever it suits him. Reporters etc should be doorstepping him, intruding on his privacy whenever an opportunity arises, harassing his nearest and dearest until he gives up and fucks off to Tierra-del-Fuego. Decent people hate his sanctimonious guts because he is the idiot son of a dismal Scotch Presbyterian minister who encouraged him to think he was an especially gifted child when young - nothing being more grotesquely far from the truth. Does that help you explain your quite understandable antipathy, Mr Strangeness ?


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