Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Captain Planet...

I like to think that my scepticism about climate change is entirely down to a mix of intellectual doubts about the veracity of the argument for man-made climate change, and about the refusal of those who make that argument to engage with those who challenge their beliefs.

However, I do have to concede that being forced to watch guff like this when I was a kid may have been a contributing factor:

Generally speaking, if your theme song is improved by a continuity announcer talking over it, then it is shit. Then again, the theme song for this show was very much in keeping with the overall programme, in that it was absolute crap.

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At 8:07 pm , Blogger david cameron's forehead said...

I have been identified an environmentally concerned writer called Graham Harvey who, I think, would go down well amongst those who feel disconnected from a lot of "green" stuff. (Especially what is promoted by the state).

He forensically dissects the subsidy regime, which amongst its malign effects promotes farming practices that damage the environment. He argues that intensive "farming" with its attendant pollution is only possible because we pay for grain, fertilisers etc. to prop it up. (etc).

He only rarely avocates that the government do something, he's far more often found calling for it to stop doing something which is shite.

I am concerned about environmental issues, & often I find that the state either doesn't help or is counterproductive. (For example this heavily subsidised drive to produce ethanol, etc). I am not a libertarian, I have no objection to regulations if I think they work but I do think a lot of the state's involvement in all this is actually malign.

People often seem to forget that farming is heavily subsidised. The biggest concern I can think of is that if we "unilaterally disarm" then it won't stop other countries subsidising their farmers. But then again they got rid of their system in New Zealand & by all accounts it worked.

At 8:10 pm , Blogger david cameron's forehead said...

PS- Afraid I've never seen Captain Planet so I can't coment on the actual topic!

At 8:42 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...


I am not a libertarian, I have no objection to regulations if I think they work but I do think a lot of the state's involvement in all this is actually malign.

One of the main reasons why I am a Libertarian is because the state's involvement is actually malign in some many different areas. Subsidising ethanol is a great example of this, as is (from what I'm reading) the government drive for largely unproductive wind farms.

Afraid I've never seen Captain Planet so I can't coment on the actual topic!

Lucky you - if you can, never ever watch the show. It is like a right-on, tedious version of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.



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