Thursday, April 01, 2010


Another day, another Facebook group. But this time it is one I get behind wholeheartedly. See, it is supporting the party that has been in power for the past 65 years - Labservative. The summary is as follows:
We are Labservative and we stand for more of the same. We've been at Number 10 for 65 years and we're not going anywhere. We know we can rely on your vote - not that we need it.
You know what? They'll probably bloody well win the election and all.

And before any tedious Tories or lacklustre Labourites start belly-aching, it is a joke. A joke. The only reason why it is so funny is because, from some angles, it has more than a ring of truth to it. You can talk about "voting change" as much as you like - the problem is that the change on offer by the three two main parties simply isn't radical enough to deal with the problems facing the UK or to inspire many of the voters in this country.

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At 7:54 pm , Blogger cheeky chappy said...

Or for that matter, truthful enough. People are sick of centre-ground politics and MPs trying to be all things to all people, which invevitably means you end up being nothing to nobody. All they care about is getting power and holding onto it. Even after all the political scandals this year the slimy bastards still don't get it. The public are sick of spin and broken promises, we just want some honesty and policies that will work.


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