Friday, January 08, 2010

Harman Convicted

Harriet Harman, trying to justify her recent conviction for a driving offence:
"Ms Harman has pointed out that she was in her constituency attending the emergency reception centre for residents who had been evacuated from the fire at Lakanal House in Camberwell."
So what? What difference does that make? She committed an offence whilst she was doing her job. That is no excuse, that is not an extenuating circumstance. Even if she argues that her visit that day was an emergency (it wasn't, she was visiting an emergency reception centre) then it still doesn't make a blind bit of fucking difference. Just as it would if the person who'd been caught was a normal person, rather than an MP and Deputy Leader of the Loser Labour party.

Harman broke the law - and not for the first time. She already has 6 points on her licence for speeding. This shows very little other than the gross hypocrisy of the government's (of which she is a crucial part) war on drivers. What is nice about this is it represents one of the increasingly rare occasions when there isn't one rile for the people, and one rule for the rulers. More like this, please. Preferably on the issue of MPs' expenses...

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