Friday, October 30, 2009

President Tony - Would He Be A Blow For Europhiles?

My own opinions on President Blair should be clear enough by now - I don't think the EU needs a President, and if it does, then it certainly should be someone other than that grinning, untrustworthy and utterly compromised cove Tony Blair. And it seems that others are coming round to this point of view. Well, the idea that Tony Blair isn't the best person for the job, anyway. Sadly they see to be pressing on with the whole President thing.

However, for Europhiles as well as Blair-haters (difficult to know which is the larger group in this day and age), the slow burying of Blair's presidential bid should be good news. After all, Blair is someone who has shown little else other than contempt for the European Union and for other European countries. If he becomes President, then the EU will become tainted for many potential supporters in this country and around Europe as a whole by association with that liar, war criminal and general, all round shit. It will also alienate the next government of the UK - who will be no fans of Blair, and possibly push that government into a more Euro-sceptic position. President Blair could end up doing a lot of damage to the EU.

In fact, a Blair Presidency suits no-one other than Tony Blair. And let's be honest, pleasing him should be the business of no-one other than Cherie Blair. But I'll stop there. Because in that direct lies images that could break the mind of anyone.

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