Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Frankly, whilst I hate what he is saying, I have to admire the gall of the man:
Sir Patrick Cormack, who stood to be Commons Speaker, said they should receive the massive increase in salary - from £64,766 to more than £130,000 - in return for scrapping the controversial second homes allowance.
Right. So MPs are caught rinsing the system. In order to stop them, we should pay them twice as much. It is an audacious plan. It is also a bollocks one. By this logic, we should give any dole scum who cheat the benefits system twice the amount of money when they are caught. And if someone mugs you and takes your watch, maybe you should give them two watches rather than just one. To encourage them not to do it again, see?

Still, Cormack seems to understand that now may not be the best moment to be utterly such insane nonsense:
"This is not a propitious time for such a change..."
Do ya reckon? It is rather like a convicted criminal in the dock after sentence has been passed turning to the judge and saying "rather than jail time, I think you should give me some sort of expensive gift..."

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