Thursday, July 16, 2009

President Tony

Don't make me laugh. Bitterly:
Tony Blair is a contender to become the first president of the EU with the full backing of the British government, the new Europe minister said today.
Yeah. That's just what we need. The grinning, preening cunt who we offloaded as PM a few years ago back as President of the largely unaccountable EU. That would be Blair's revenge. The political equivalent of Blair pissing on the British people from the lofty heights of the EU.

Still, good old Glenys Kinnock still comes up with some wonderfully idiotic statements:
"Blair is seen by many as someone who has the strength of character, the stature," Kinnock said.

"People know who he is, and he would be someone who would have this role and step into it with a lot of respect and I think would be generally welcomed."
Blair has the strength of character that you might associate with a jellyfish with a spinal disorder. And any respect, any goodwill that Blair might once have had from the EU was spunked away when he decided to side with the moronic George W Bush rather than Europe over Iraq. If Kinnock genuinely thinks that Blair would be welcomed by the British people, the EU or by the Blair-hating Brown government, then she is even more delusional that on the day she said "I do" when stood next to that graceless ginger wanker

Still, we shouldn't under-estimate the ability of the EU to be contrary, and give a position of power to a washed up old political leader from a member state. But this could be the time for the EU to stand up and be counted. It is the time for the EU to show that it does have some ability, some political savvy, and some use. And it could do all that in one moment - by telling Tony Blair to go fuck himself. 

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At 9:53 am , Blogger Letters From A Tory said...

Any suggestion that the British public want to see Tony Blair again is patently absurd. He will never be forgiven, and should never be forgiven, for what he did to this country.

At 12:59 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

Can you imagine the outcry from the likes of the Kinnocks had Thatcher been offered an international political role a few years after she had stood down? They'd be in meltdown...


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