Wednesday, July 08, 2009

No shit Sherlock time:
"More than 6 in 10 Republicans today are white conservatives, while most of the rest are whites with other ideological leanings; only 11% of Republicans are Hispanics, or are blacks or members of other races... The results show clearly that the Republican Party today is first and foremost a political entity dominated by white Americans. Eighty-nine percent of rank-and-file Republicans are non-Hispanic whites, leaving just 5% who are Hispanic (of any race), 2% who are black, and 4% of other races."
Still, good to see that the true legacy of the Bush Junior years - and his so-called "compassionate Conservatism" - is a Republican party less inclusive than ever...

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At 12:00 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could just be that most minorities are addicted to the tit-milk of the big-state, which is why they ain't Republicans.

This is to say nothing of the smothering grievence and victim culture perpetuated by the Dems & Libs, that puts minorities in permanent hock to them.


At 1:40 pm , Blogger asquith said...

Fuck me, what brilliant analysis from aljahom there. Nothing whatsoever to do with the Southern Strategy, or any such?

See also this:

About the prospect of Republicans storming back to relevance.

The thing is, we actually need a sane opposition in America to stop the Dems going ridiculously too far in terms of spending & general extensions of the state, but unfortunately none of any credibility exists.

At 11:14 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what the Southern Strategy is/was beyond what's in Wikipedia.

Your link simply leads to a blog about a madwoman. There's no shortage of those in western political life.

You didn't rebut my points in any meaningful way.

Would you care to?


At 11:15 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, I'm not pro-GOP in any way, and I agree that there's a vaccuum in US politics between the Dems and the eye-swivelling right.


At 1:50 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...


Whilst I'm not answering on behalf of Asquith, I thought I'd throw in my observations.

There will be some members of minorities who are Democrats because of their reliance on the Federal government. There will be some white people who vote for the Democrats for exactly the same reason. I don't believe that the make-up of the Republicans is simply because of the big state.

The Southern Strategy - and, indeed, a lot of GOP electoral strategy since Goldwater found that only the South supported him in '64 - has been about courting the south and the Bible belt. And they have been very successful at doing so. As a result, the values of the GOP speak to middle-class whites in Middle America. Those who would ban flag-burning, disapprove of rap and praise Jesus every morning.

Indeed, one of the ways in which Rove managed to get a victory in 2004 was by mobilising the Christian Coalition to vote for his guy.

The problem with the current Republican party is that their current values appeal to a small section of whites in the USA. And that's it. If they continue to court just those people, then they will find what the Tories found when they just courted the blue-rinse brigade after 1997. Not enough votes for them. They need to break out of the party make-up as suggested in the stats, and move away from standard bearers such as Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee. Then, and only then, will they become a likely party of government again and a real opposition to the Democrats.

Part of that is providing a reason for some to vote against the federal state that they might be dependent on, and also part of that is the Republicans moving away from any strategy that sees them acting as the lapdog of the Christian, white middle America.


At 7:04 pm , Blogger asquith said...

TNL has said what I was trying to say, essentially.

The GOP have essentially tried to gain white working-class support, reckoning that they can do without minorities. They have bene talking up resentment amongst whites. It's not a surprise that minorities don't support them. I was saying that your initial comment came across as unfair towards minorities.

Bush had some success gaining Hispanic support with his social conservatism, but I don't think they were ever a permanent part of the GOP coalition, which didn't take long to implode after 2004.

As I said, I want a strong opposition to emerge in America & think all governments should meet with opposition. Have we not seen over the past 12 years of the Labour cunts what happens when an opposition is irrelevant?

Yet the GOP will not become relevant until they accept a few home truths, such as the fact that evolution happened & the Religious Right talk total bollocks.

Although I am more left-wing than most readers of this blog, & am no one's idea of a libertarian, I think it's safe to say the Democrats will definitely start with the excesses & need to be reined in. A sane opposition will have to ditch so much of its baggage.

They can appeal to all races, & like Reagan capture the youth, but there are valid reasons why this isn't currently happening which must be overcome & won't be so long as utter fucking Poujadist shite is talked by the GOP about "real Americans" versus everyone else, etc. etc.


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