Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Incompetent Gordon Brown

Charles Clarke - a man who seems to hate with a passion anyone who isn't Charles Clarke - is rounding on Gordon Brown again. See, Gordon Brown lost the Labour Party the Norwich North by-election. And Clarke wants everyone to know about it. 

For what it is worth, I don't Gordon Brown actually lost his party that particular election single-handed. That said, he is a hefty, weighty, rotting albatross for his party. Which is probably the reason why he is kept away from the voters as much as possible. Fuck knows what is going to happen when when the General Election comes, but this could be the first national election where the Prime Minister doesn't campaign. But there were other factors that led to Labour's defeat in Norwich North. That said, it is worth noting at just how much of a role Gordon Brown played in creating the latest perfect storm that is descending on his premiership. Labour were never going to win a by-election in this point of their freefall, but that only tells half the story. 

Let's look at the what caused this by-election. In order to save some face and secure his leadership in the face of the expenses crisis, Brown offered the press and the people some token scalps. One of those was Ian Gibson. Gibson wasn't the canniest of choices, in retrospect. Since his constituents liked him, despite finding his hands in the till. And that, rather than clinging on after knowing he couldn't stand again, Gibson decided to leave Parliament, forcing an unwinnable by-election for Labour. And, of course, Labour lost. Meaning Gordon Brown's position as Prime Minister is again under question. It is wonderfully circular, isn't it? Gordon Brown tries to shore up his position in the face of one scandal only for Labour to lose a by-election. Leaving his position in doubt. 

The concept of the teflon politician - the one who can do no wrong - is often cynically noted. Yet Gordon Brown is the diametric opposite of that teflon politician. He can do no right. And it isn't just hype; I genuinely struggle to think of one action that Brown has taken since he became Prime Minister that hasn't blown up in his and/or our faces. Gordon Brown failed even at scapegoating his own politicians. That sums up his complete lack of ability perfectly.

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