Saturday, May 16, 2009

The BNP: Vile Politics, Vile People

Yesterday I had a pop at the Greens, and explained why you definitely shouldn't vote for them. It should also go without saying that I don't think anyone should even consider voting for the BNP. However, it is always worth saying, particularly since the whole MPs' expenses debacle may yet lead to an electoral coup for that party.

The racism and socialism of the BNP are abhorrent to me - and should be to all right thinking people. But if that is not enough for you, then take a look at this - some of the criminal convictions of BNP members on the website Nothing British*. I've read the list and I have to say that the BNP is pretty thorough - everything from resisting arrest through to mass murder via child molestation. Yeah, it doesn't represent every single member of that party, but it does give you a pretty good idea of the type of people who end up fighting for the BNP.

The BNP represent deeply unpleasant politics represented - as the list above proves - by deeply unpleasant people. Don't vote for them; not now, not ever. 

*h/t Iain Dale.

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At 9:08 am , Blogger Obnoxio The Clown said...

Sorry mate, but in the light of the widespread white-collar crime committed by our sitting MP's, this just looks like snobbery.

I wouldn't vote for the BNP because of their frightening economics and blatant racism, but attacking the probity of their membership is a mug's game. I'm sure exposing the membership of the Labour Party, Tories or LibDems to the same sort of scrutiny would throw up equally horrendous crimes.

At 11:34 am , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

Whilst every party has "bad eggs" it would be interesting to find out whether similar searches on Tory/Labour/Lib Dem memberships would bring up such a high percentage of criminals amongst the activists.

Also, with the BNP trying to exploit the white collar crime, this does show the hypocrisy of that pitch. I'm raging as much as you are about the actions of our MPs, but even through the red mist I have to concede that Prescott's multiple bog seats isn't quite in the same league as child molestation.

Which is kind of my point. From my experiences canvassing at the last election those who were thinking about voting for the BNP were either doing so because they had a hopelessly misguided view of their policies (and sometimes, sadly, a very accurate views of their policies) and might have been put off that potential vote if they saw some of these charges. Put simply (and this will sound snobby, I concede that, but I also think it is true) your average BNP leaning Sun reader might be less inclined to support that party if they read about the activists having drugs related and paedophile convictions.

At 2:59 pm , Blogger Dr Evil said...

All the mainstream parties are full of crooks. UKIP is a one trick pony. The Greens you have already smacked. So what is left? Monster Raving Looney or the BNP? I bet you get criminal types in all political parties. Funny how operation ORE seems to have gone away. I wonder why?

At 3:26 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

What's left? Well, LPUK for one.

If it came down to a choice between a main, consensus driven political party and a criminal, racist, vile little party like the BNP then the main party would win every time.

The lack of choice in British politics at the moment does not make it right to support the BNP.

At 8:32 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

there weren't very many criminal convictions unearthed when the BNP membership list. i believe it worked out at about 0.2 percent, not a bad showing from 40,000 people. the BNP membership is law-abiding, whatever you think about their policies. there are more ex-criminals in the police - 1000 or thereabouts.

At 8:33 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"when the BNP membership was leaked" i meant to say

At 1:44 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...


Where did you get those figures from?

It is fair to say that some members of the BNP are law-abiding, and some aren't. But that doesn't chance the point that a lot of people who might be thinking about voting BNP would be put off if they knew that party can count on paedophiles as activists.


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