Saturday, April 25, 2009

Susan Boyle and Appearance

The only thing I tend to watch on television is Doctor Who, and I'd avoid programmes like Britain's Got Talent like the plague. Partly because I don't believe Britain does have talent - in fact, I think the title of the show should be more honest and go with the title of "Britain is has a large proportion of egotistical toe-rags believing they are talented whereas they are actually going with the country in one direction and one direction alone - to hell in a handcart." But the main reason why I would rather beat my testes into a fine paste rather than watch something like Britain's Got Talent is because of the odious examples of human waste who turn up on that show. And I'm not just talking about the judges there.

The latest sensation discovered by this menagerie of eyesores and talentless tosswits is one Susan Boyle. Apparently, she has a voice like an angel. Wouldn't know, never heard her sing. But she certainly doesn't have a face like an angel.

I'm sorry, but she doesn't. She simply isn't good-looking. She looks like Annie Wilkes after a pie-eating contest. Sure, she can sing (apparently) but you can't hide the fact that she is, well, ugly.

Of course, that isn't her fault. And it doesn't change the fact that she is talented. And maybe her appearance shouldn't matter, but this is the real world and people do make assumptions (rightly and wrongly) over her appearance. But for all those wringing their hands and doing trite moralising over how she was initially treated when she stood up on that stage, please do go fuck yourselves. It is guilt pure and simple - almost everyone will have the same thought when they first see this woman, and it isn't positive.

But there is another dimension to this. Boyle doesn't help herself. She isn't blessed in the looks department, but she can control her appearance. However she is overweight - something that she could (if she so wished) do something about. Likewise, she can control the fact that she dresses like a bag lady; there is nothing stopping her from buying some decent clothes and occasionally dragging a comb through her hair.

I don't claim to be good looking, well-groomed or at the peak of physical perfection myself, but I do make a bit of an effort. For whatever the reason, Boyle chooses not to do this. Which is fine; good luck to her. And in fairness, she really doesn't seem to give the first fuck about what people think about her appearance. But all those pundits doing their tedious stories about how Boyle was judged for her appearance in the first instance would do well to remember that whilst she can't control having been beaten with the ugly stick, she can control what she wears and what she eats.

Someone's pointed out to me that she's had a makeover. Good on her, but there is a phrase about polishing and turds that springs to mind. Plus, whilst she has made an effort, I can't help but feel there is work to be done. Before, she looked like a hairy bag lady. Now she looks like a frigid librarian going on her first date. 

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