Thursday, April 23, 2009

Can we have a little opposition please?

David Cameron on yesterday's budget:

The last Labour government gave us the winter of discontent. This Labour government has given us the decade of debt. The last Labour government left the dead unburied. This one leaves the debts unpaid.

He [Gordon Brown] will never bring the changes required because he does not accept the economic model he has run during the last 12 years is fundamentally bust.
Yeah! Yeah! Go go gadget Cameron. You're really socking it to Brown! He must be feeling the pressure of your... of your... well, mildly tough rebukes. Of your hints that everything isn't hunky dory. And... and... well, that's it, really.

Yesterday's abortion of a budget should have been a rallying point for the Tories. They should have come out all guns blazing to really smash the living fuck out of this terrible fucking government. Instead, we get mild scorn from David Cameron. It's like he knows the budget was bad, but he can't really be bothered to point that out because, y'know, he's probably going to win the next election anyway.

Where is the rage against Brown? Where is the boiling anger at the crippling debt we are being saddled with by an unelected Prime Minister? Where the fuck is the outrage at the idea that the rich should be penalised for being rich?

Sure, we aren't going to see Cameron do what I want him to do - namely scream the word "cunt" at Gordon Brown across the floor of the Commons. He has to use professional and diplomatic language in his job. But that doesn't stop him from being able to be scathing what he says. I'd have like to have heard him say something like this:
"This budget is nothing short of repugnant. It shows that the Nu Labour experiment has utterly failed and the Labour party has reverted to type - a borrow, tax and spend party. The new 50% tax rate sends a very clear signal to the successful, wealth-creating people in this country - you'll be penalised, because you are successful. It is an odious concept; one that is immoral and wrong. It increases inequity in society, and further divides a nation already reeling from a decade of Nu Labour mis-management. But it isn't just the rich who are going to suffer; again, those who commit the terrible sin of having a drink or a smoke, or those who dare to use a car are going to be stung for more money by this ideological cadaver of a government.

"And it isn't just this generation of British people who will suffer from the ill effects of this budget. The mountain of debt - caused by the incompetence and inefficiency of the incumbent government - is a cross to bear for future generations. Every government looks to leave a legacy; it is clear that the legacy of this miserable excuse for a government is crippling national debt.

"This isn't a budget for 2009; it is a budget for 1979. It is an anachronistic and jarring return to old Labour. And we all know the damage done to this country by Old Labour."
You won't hear Cameron say the above, though. However much you might wish that he did. But one of the reasons why we are in this fucking hole is because of the failings of the Tories. Not because of what they did pre-1997, but rather what they have done since then. And there utter failure to hold Nu Labour to account, and to offer leadership and a real alternative to the Labour government. In short, Cameron's muted response to the budget shows the ongoing failure of the Tories.

So memo to the Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition - the clue to what you need to do is your job title. Oppose.

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