Monday, April 27, 2009

Quote of the Day - On Obama

Quote of the day from the BBC:
George Bush was criticised for being a lazy president, he delegated and sat back, preferring to clear brush down in Crawford. Barack Obama is, yet again, Bush's opposite. He's super busy, ever on the move, doing. Will he stand condemned for doing too much?

Ignoring the insane assertion that Bush was a lazy President (as moronic as the invasion of Iraq was, it was hardly the act of a do-nothing President), it is worth noting that Obama may yet go down in history as one of those Presidents who just tried to do too much. However, the chances are that it won't be around the issue of torture that these condemnation is likely to centre. Like our Prime Minister, the danger for Obama is that he'll be seen as having tried to do too much to avert an economic downturn. And by "tried do too much" you can also read "tried spend too much. Because, in the final analysis, it won't so much be the amount of things that Obama, Brown et al have tried to do; rather, it will be the colossal amounts of money they have wasted and the tax rises required to pay back that wasted expenditure that will haunt our borrow, tax and spend leaders both in power and when we come to assess their legacies.

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