Thursday, March 26, 2009

Prime Minister Howard

This article is a lot of fun, and is, in part, absolutely correct - whoever won the 2005 General Election was going to struggle as the financial sector collapsed, just as whoever won the 1992 General Election was going to suffer with the ERM debacle.

But one thing I don't doubt is that we have the worst possible scenario now. The delusional Gordon Brown is the politician least capable of dealing with the challenges we are all facing. Howard would be a better Prime Minister - hell, even Blair would be better than the incompetent fucktard currently touring the world with his stolen title of Prime Minister.

The one small mercy is that there is nothing that Brown is doing that isn't beyond repair. The problem is that mending Britain after Gordon's rampage is going to be both extremely painful and extremely costly.

Prime Minister Howard? Rather him than Gordon fucking Brown.

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