Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Letter-writing and Making Things Happen.

With the inevitability of a really inevitable thing, Gordon Brown has joined the calls for an probe into MPs expenses:
Prime Minister Gordon Brown has written to the chairman of the Committee on standards in Public Life calling for a full review of MPs' pay and allowances.
But of course he has. One of his ministers in a very high profile position (Employment Minister in a time of high and rising unemployment, for fuck's sake) has been caught with his grubby fat hands in the till, and Brown can't even properly hang him out to dry because *technically* the minsiter was obeying the rules. Brown needs to be seen to be doing stuff, so he's going to protest about the status quo.

Except he isn't serious about this. He doesn't really want there to be a review of expenses. He doesn't really want things to change. If he did, then he would do something a little more impressive than writing a fucking letter. This is the man who has no compunction with strong-arming legislation through the Commons. This is the man who will commit billions of pounds to failing banks without batting an eyelid. Incompetent fuck he may be, but Gordon Brown can make (generally stupid) things happen very quickly. So if he wanted to change the rules around MPs expenses, he would be doing something a little more convincing than muttering his protests like a tramp grumbling for change on a tube train.

'Cos this announcement is bandwagon jumping, pure and simple. On Sunday, he was offering his condolences to the family of Jade Goody. On Monday, he was talking about the expenses of MPs, because of the roar of indignant rage at the latest scandal. And today? He's probably bang on about deflation, pretending to be some sort of economic fucking sage when in reality any comments he makes on the economy are rightly viewed with absolute incredulity and a healthy amount of suspicion. Gordon's comments on expenses is just the latest example of him ineptly trying to grab hold of the news cycle.

Nothing will change with MPs expenses: nothing. They all have their fat faces in the trough, and it is in their own self-interest to change precisely nothing about the status quo. You can ignore Brown's comments - just as pretty much everything that out and out cunt says should be ignored. Nothing is going to change, and Brown's letter is just a waste of time and of paper.

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At 10:36 am , Blogger Letters From A Tory said...

The Review will presumably take several months, after which the government will 'consider its findings' and then implement a watered-down version of the original review claiming that 'MP expenses will now be open to their greatest ever level of scrutiny' while simultaneously adding layers of secrecy.

At 3:56 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Incompetent fuck he may be, but Gordon Brown can make (generally stupid) things happen very quickly.

I'm not so sure. He can't do it without parliament, and I bet a lot of MPs would complain at their gravy train being taken away.


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