Thursday, February 05, 2009

The One Meets The Dark One*

No doubt this will be seen by some right wing bloggers as yet another reason to despise Barack Obama. After all, he is meeting with Cunto di Tutti Cunti himself - Tony Blair. 

Personally, I'd be reluctant to bitch slap Obama too much for this. After all, Blair - Good God help us - is somewhat of a hero in the US. And however much Obama might get on with Blair, it will be nothing compared to the macho love-in that went on between Bush Junior and Blair. 

And besides, there is another reason why right thinking blogger should celebrate Obama meeting with Tony Blair - because Blair is the first leading UK politician to meet with The One. Yep, Tony Blair. Not David Cameron, not David Miliband and - best of all - not Gordon Brown.

Can you imagine just how much that pisses off Gordo?

*For the sake of clarity, the Dark (as in Evil) One is Tony Blair; the title isn't meant to be a racist jibe against Obama. 

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At 8:03 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please, please, please feature this post. I am not a god botherer but I found this mint. I suspect that even the bible bashers have had enough of 'free speech' when it means in a Christian Country even the Christians voice is un heard. I reckon they are fighting back. Eye for an Eye etc. Lets see how many complaints this gets. Bearing in mind it's not just Christians, it's a group of The Christian party, the Trinitarian Bible Society and the Russian Orthodox Church. I have no God but if the 'Righteous' can do it so can any one else. Lets see how much coverage the Bollocking Bastard Cunts and the Daily wail give this one.

At 5:35 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

Erm, well, I'd be one of those Bible Bashers, so I probably won't be posting on this.

I'd dispute the idea that this is a Christian conutry. Sure, we used to be a Christian country but now we are a multi-cultural modern society where the atheist cause is growing in support and the Church - rightly - is being seen as a minority interest in the country.

In terms of advertising, the balance is very much in favour of the Christians and of the believers in our societies. The BHA adverts are the first time I can ever recall atheists and agnostics make a stand for what they believe in. The Christian response (and it is Christian, rather than Muslim or Jewish) is predictable and pointless. All it does is emphasise that Christians feel threatened by even the most minor assertion that their God probably doesn't exist.

The point here is one of free speech - people are entitled to say what they like about religion. The Christians can defend their religion as much as they like, and I have no issue with that. But I'm not going to publicise their campaigns as they get enough publicity and bias towards them as it is. And anyway, I have far more time for the atheist campaign.

The Christian voice is heard; if anything, I'd like that voice to be drowned out a bit more by the Bible bashers.


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