Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Foreign Secretary

BBC news:

Foreign Secretary David Miliband will visit Ukraine later in an attempt to build the "widest possible coalition against Russian aggression".
Does anyone else feel slightly embarrassed when they read about David Miliband prancing about on the international stage? That this dweeb with a lopsided grin, sticking out ears and general charisma of a snail crushed underfoot is our Foreign Secretary? Whenever I see him gurning away on television, a little bit of me dies. I'm very pleased that I seldom actually hear him speak - I think that his nasal whine, more normally associated with sulking teenagers than international statesmen, would be too much for my frayed nerves.

Seriously, what possessed Gordon Brown to put such an awkward individual into such an important position? Did he look around, realise Napoleon Dynamite was busy, and compromise on Miliband? I know that Miliband was a potential rival and that Brown himself is the very definition of awkward - but seriously, Miliband was the best possible option for Foreign Secretary? Couldn't Pob have been drafted into the role instead?

I know that this basically is a personal attack on a politician, but there is a wider problem with having Miliband as Foreign Secretary. He represents Britain on the international stage. He walks shoulder to shoulder with the likes of Condaleezza Rice and Nicholas Sarkozy (who, like all rampant egotists, is effectively doing both the roles of Foreign Secretary and President for his nation). Whatever you think of their politics, does anyone really believe that Miliband has the gravitas to operate with this individuals? Can you imagine him challenging Putin? I can picture Putin talking to Miliband, and then asking himself "who is this pesky child?" before returning to his bumper book of Cold War strategies.

Having Miliband as Foreign Secretary means that not only is Miliband dismissed on an international level, but so is Britain. With the calibre of the current Prime Minister and the curretnt Foreign Secretary, you can guarantee that the UK is being ignored across the world.

The role of Foreign Secretary is one of the most important roles in government. What a shame that it has been given to the political equivalent of Adrian Mole.

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