Monday, July 07, 2008

Gordon Brown wants us to stop wasting food. Well, I hope the cunt has mentioned this to John Prescott.

It is funny, isn't it, that Gordon Brown extracts billions from the Great British public each year in unreasoning, unthinking taxation - and yet when there is any problem facing the Great British public, we have to stop doing something, we have to tighten our belts, we have to be more careful with food. Billions of pounds and Gordo's solution to any problem is "well, it is your problem, people, not mine. You do without."

Austerity is never a sexy, successful political policy. Austerity combined with the highest tax bill in history is just an insult. We should be able to look to our (extremely fucking well paid) politicians to solve national problems in a more constructive way than telling us to do with out whilst they stick their corpulent, porcine snouts in the taxpayer funded trough. Because if there is one thing we can do without based on this announcement, it is politicians.


The Daily Mash has summed up the situation nicely:

GORDON Brown has outlined plans to recapture the political agenda by acting like your old gran.The prime minister is urging people to finish their dinner and reminding them that during the war Britain had to eat mice, tree bark and bits of shoe.
Then they point out the problem with the "gran strategy":

"What Mr Brown fails to realise is that while some people may like their own gran, they absolutely do not like anyone else's, especially if it's a six-foot tall, brooding, Scottish sociopath."
I think they are a little bit nice about Mr Brown, but otherwise the analysis is spot on.

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At 5:07 pm , Blogger Mark Wadsworth said...

Good point about Prescott.


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