Monday, July 07, 2008

Doctor Who's Phone Number

In The Stolen Earth a phone number briefly appeared on the screen, claiming to be the Doctor's phone number. In case you are interested it is 07700 900461.

It doesn't work, of course. And no, I haven't tried it. I didn't bother on the grounds that it is unlikely to genuinely be the Doctor's phone number. What with him being a fictional character and all.

And I thought that this would have been obvious for everyone - sadly, this is not the case. A fan is quoted on Sky News as writing:

"Grrr - I phoned the Doctor's phone number but there was just an annoying network message. What's the point in showing a phone number if you're not gonna use it?!"
Sorry, I'm missing something, but what *exactly* did that fan expect to happen when he called the number? The Doctor to answer it, and invite him to join the TARDIS? Maybe Donna Noble could have picked up, and asked the fan out on a date. Or maybe someone offering him a prize for having the initiative to phone a fictional phone number belonging to a fictional character in a fictional TV story. After all, the phone number should have been what the fan noticed more than anything else, what with the Daleks, Davros, the Doctor regenerating etc - that's all to be expected, isn't it?

I'm glad the fan was disappointed. Serve them right for being a lackwitted fucktard with no sense of perspective or reality.

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At 10:40 pm , Blogger Mulligan said...

Even funnier if it had been a £5 a second number.

At 9:04 pm , Blogger Stephen said...

I think it's reasonable to expect the producers who use the phone number for some sort of viral, meta-message. Similar to how LOST uses fake web sites to add an extra layer of mystery to that show.

At 10:05 pm , Anonymous Shauna said...

I agree with Stephen, because there are plenty of BOOKS that use their phone numbers as something special for the reader. I mean, for loyal watchers and the people who would have actually tried, that would've been a great treat. It didn't have to be the Doctor, but it would've been awesome if it was. Just a recording of David Tennants voice saying "Leave A Message"'d be great.

At 3:21 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

No, it is reasonable to expect the producers to make the TV programme. Not create some sort of phone message for people dumb enough to call up a fictional phone number belonging to a fictional character in a science-fiction series. You can argue that it would be nice if they did something with the phone number, but I would far rather they did what they do best - make great Doctor Who.

After all, there was no suggestion at any point in the programme that people should use that phone number. Anyone who does so is just as dumb as those people who, over the years, have turned up in Baker Street expecting an audience with Sherlock Holmes.


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