Friday, February 01, 2008

Cameron Praises Thatcher... at last.

It really says something when the current Tory leader meeting the greatest Tory Prime Minister is headline news.

It really says something else when you realise that meeting is taking place after a highly publicised meeting between the incumbent Labour Prime Minister and that great Tory PM.

I've heard all the justifications for Cameron's attempts to distance himself from the legacies of the previous Tory administrations - I understand them, I know what he is trying to achieve, and if he thinks it will work, good luck to the foppish cunt. But all Cameron is doing is pandering to the simplistic narratives of the media. He has to make a "decisive break with the past", all the time ignoring that there was actually a fuck of a lot of great stuff that happened under Thatcher and under Major. The Tory legacy should be acknowledged, not least by the current leadership. You can feel ambivalent about it, but the triumphs of the 18 years of government between 1979 and 1997 should not be treated like a dirty secret. And certainly not by the Tory Leader.

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