Today's the day!
Today is the day when we learn who will be the new Lib Dem leader. The tedium is almost palpable: which of these two interchangeable Cameronlites (and it really takes something to make Cameron look like a heavyweight) will it be?

I rather favour Calamity Clegg - he may be less competent, but somehow he comes across as less egregious than Hideous Huhne. But ultimately I couldn't give a flying fuck either way. And I rather suspect that I am not alone in that sentiment...
So here is the question that is more pertinent than "which will it be?" - "does anyone really care?"
Chris Clegg it is. Nick Huhne must be really disappointed. But can take some comfort that, given the current turnover of Lib Dem leaders, he will get a pop at it again in 18 months.
Labels: Calamity Clegg, Elections, Lib Dems, who really cares?
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