Monday, December 17, 2007

Stalin The Scamp

Via DK I see Arthur Scargill - failed Union boss, failed revolutionary, and, well, failure - has recently been asked about his thoughts on Stalin. That is Stalin - the mass murdering, sociopath former dictator of the Soviet Union, by the way.

"Next Scargill was asked by a listener about his views on JV Stalin: did he regard him as "a good socialist"?"
If Scargill had even a basic knowledge of his own political creed, then he would know that Stalin was a Marxist-Leninist, and therefore not a socialist. Yes, we’re getting into political semantics here, but socialists were not leftwing enough for Stalin. In fact, Stalin would have had Scargill arrested, locked up, tortured and then shot in the back of the head. Mind you, if I was a totalitarian dictator, I’d probably have Scargill arrested and shot as well.

""Arthur replied that he thought Stalin had been a "very good leader", especially during World War II."
A very good leader?! Presumably Pol Pot was a really good leader as well.

And World War Two was not exactly Stalin’s finest hour. The war began partly because he signed a non-aggression pact with the Nazis. Then, Stalin was utterly unprepared for the Nazi invasion. When it happened, Stalin suffered a nervous breakdown, and one of the reasons why the Nazis were able to plough so far into Russia was because Stalin was not ready and was, initially, not able to fight the war. And the Soviet campaign was not one of heroism and audacious warfare. It was a war of attrition, pure and simple. One of the reasons why the Soviet army kept on advancing is because the front line troops knew that if they turned round or retreated, their fellow Communists would gun them down just as freely as the Nazis.
It is difficult to have a "good war" as a leader, and all war leaders are open to criticism. But the Soviet victory in World War Two was despite Stalin, not because of him.

"It was true that he had committed "many, many errors", but, there again, "Churchill in Britain was also criticised"."
Interestingly, whilst you could criticise Churchill during the war, no-one could criticise Stalin until well after he died. That is because Churchill was a leader of a democracy. Where as Stalin was the same as Hitler – regarding any criticism of his leadership and personality cult as a crime deserving the death penatly.

"Campbell at this point mildly suggested that it was perhaps not Stalin's record as war leader that was the main issue. After all he stood accused of being a "mass murderer". Did Scargill think Churchill had killed more people than Stalin? And what about the gulags, the show trials? Yes, yes, said Arthur, but these "mistakes" must be seen in context."
Mass murder in context? Sheesh. It is difficult to put the murder of millions of people into perspective. But perhaps Scargill has revealed more than he realises about his own intentions than he realises. Maybe in Scargill land murder is ok, as long as it is pursing some sort of dysfunctional socialist utopia.

"Don't forget, "the problems of the Soviet Union were infinitely worse after Stalin than before his death"."
No, the problems of the Soviet Union were bad after Stalin died, but nowhere near as bad as during his reign. Because the mass murder and intentional starvation of large swathes of the population at least slowed down under Stalin’s successors, even if they didn’t stop. And, not being a socialist, I tend to see the lessening of starvation and mass murder as a good thing. Crazy, eh?

"As Scargill was unwilling to venture an opinion on whether Stalin was responsible for more deaths than Churchill"
Historical consensus on the number of people murdered by Stalin? Millions (possibly as many as 60 million). Historical consensus on the number killed by Churchill? Zero. It is therefore a tough question to answer, if you can’t count.

"Campbell tried another tack: who did our general secretary think was worse - Stalin or Thatcher? By now Scargill was really getting tied in knots. Until and unless he knew the truth, he could not go along with allegations against the former Soviet leader: "If people were killed, or put into concentration camps, it was wrong.""
What evidence does Scargill need?! The resurrection and confession of the long dead Soviet dictator? Nice clarification that killing and concentration camps are wrong. It does say something that Scargill had to make that clarification, though.

"Arthur conceded that Stalin may have done those things, but he knew that Thatcher had "destroyed our manufacturing industry, people's hope"."
Destroying the manufacturing industry is on a par with mass murder and the elimination of a political class in the world of Scargill.

"The listener who had originally asked the question compared Scargill's response to the holocaust-denial of David Irving."
Which is a very nice comparison. I rather think that Scargill would be disgusted with the crimes of Hitler, but tacitly accepts the murders of Stalin et al, simply because Stalin’s opinions are closer to his. Nothing like being a two faced bastard, is there?

"Scargill did, however, state that he had always opposed the restrictions on travelling abroad that the USSR had imposed."
Apparently mass murder is ok, restricting travel isn’t. The mind boggles.

The world according to Scargill – a world where Stalin made "some mistakes". Proof (if anyone really needs further proof) that socialists live in a parallel world that has no connection with reality.

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At 3:20 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Documents have come out, that in fact, it was Stalin that was about to attack Germany.

The world and my mother, still can't get their head around this. And continue to repeat the lies that the "Big Three of Yalta" have had written in the "Official" history books.

AHOWEVERd, hwoever, Hitler was no idiot, he could see the handritting on the wall:

Unfortunately for Poland, it was betwen Russia and Germany. If Stalin. The Communists were already in half of Poland, before Hitler even put a foot in the other have of that country.

Stalin was building up the war machinery in their Polish half, all up and down the lines, preparing to attack Germany. Hitler was seeing this, and ATTACKED FIRST.

Thus, the lie that Hitler invaded Poland..."what a fiend!" He was said to have ridden rodshot over Polish sovereign, but poor Poland had already been invaded by worse, worse than the devils in hell, the Soviets! And if Hitler hadn't jumped the gun, Stalin would still have destroyed the other half of Polan, then and there, in order to attack Germany.

a Revisionist Latina

At 3:35 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As to Stalin and his nervous breakdown, who then ran the Soviets while, Satan's Henchman was indeisposed?

The real shocker to me, is that, IT WAS AVERILL HARRIMAN. Imagine that!!

He was the U.S. Ambassador to The USSR at the time, and not only KNEW Stalin but was "una y sucio" (hand and the dirt on it) with him.

When Stalin (spit spit ) was "out" Harriman took the reins of power and kept the "home fires burning."

I can't say enough about these devils incarnate.The entire aparatus of the War, all the suffering, the dying on ALL sides, would never have happenrd, except for Harriman.

Then good old Averell, had the NERVE to come back to the U.S. and continue as an Advisor after the war!

At 7:24 pm , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...

Can't quite see what point you are trying to make. If you are actually trying to make a point.

Hitler and Stalin carved up Poland... and the Hitler invaded Russia. Hitler was the aggressor in that particular conflict, but Stalin was no angel either.

You seem to almost be defending Hitler - which strikes me as a little but insane. The fact that Stalin was an imperial arsehole as well as Hitler does not change the fact that Hitler was one of the most evil people to have ever existed, and that his aggression caused the Second World War. Stalin was a bit part player in the lead up to that conflict.


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