Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Freedom of Information Act...

...doesn't apply to the English Parliament.

So, they have gone and done it. Again. To mirror the thoughts of Mr Eugenides, there is one rule for our elected leaders, and one for the rest of us.

According to Maclean, the Tory (yup, Tory - not Labour...) MP who introduced this bill, it has nothing to do with hiding their expenses but rather protecting the correspondance between MPs and those the supposedly represent. Yep, for some reason that doesn't add up for me. There is something... something already in place that would protect that correspondance. Some sort of existing act of parliament, perhaps? Maybe... hey, maybe the Data Protection Act would do that.

Everyone who supported this Private Member's Bill in the House - hell, all those who failed to properly oppose it - are tossers. Just to state the bleeding obvious for a moment.

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