Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Well, that is just plain wrong...

Apparently David Tennant is the best Doctor Who ever. Needless to say, I don't agree. Tennant is good in the role but that is about it - there is nothing particularly striking about his performance, and his decision to play the Doctor as a bi-polar person sometimes becomes quite irritating when his Doctor slips into one of his manic moods.

But I suppose this sort of thing is typical of the lack of imagination from the public. They vote for him as he is the incumbent, they vote for him if it is easier to think about him the current face of the programme than it is to remember who had the role beforehand. For God's sake, people, this is the tenth person to play the role (eleven if you count Peter Cushing) - surely you can think of someone other than Tennant who you thought did well in the role?

But for the record, my order of preference is:

10. William Hartnell
9. Jon Pertwee
8. Paul McGann
7. Colin Baker
6. Peter Davison
5. David Tennant
4. Slyvester McCoy
3. Tom Baker
2. Patrick Troughton
1. Christopher Eccleston

Troughton and Eccleston are the ones who were/are strong enough actors to convince the viewer that they are aliens when playing the Doctor, but also able to play other roles convincingly. Tom Baker may the iconic Doctor, but he has never been able to escape from the shadow of the role and, as the Moai always points out to me, he has the unfair advantage over the other actors of "actually being an alien."



At 3:56 pm , Blogger Nowhere Man said...

Agree with your top 2 (and glad you posted something about it!), not so hot on Tom Baker though.

At 7:26 pm , Blogger Mark H Wilkinson said...

Just a couple of things I'd like to highlight: for starters, this was not a poll of the general public; it was of the readers of Doctor Who Magazine, who can't honestly be expected to act as a representative sample of the general public.

Secondly, David Tennant only got 28.2% of the vote, beating Tom Baker by less than 2%, so I think it's fair to say most people in the poll did think of someone other then Tennant when it came to voting.

At 8:14 am , Blogger The Nameless Libertarian said...


I'd concede both of your points, not least because they are right. However I still believe that the poll shows a lack of imagination on the part of those canvassed - and this perhaps becomes more pronounced when you consider it was the readers of The Doctor Who Magazine who voted for Tennant then Baker. The readers of that magazine are surely aware of the rich history of a TV programme that has a 40 year history and has had 10 lead actors, so I find it mildly depressing that they voted for the incumbent first and then the obvious choice (after all, Tom Baker is arguably the iconic Doctor). What makes this even more telling is Tennant is the only person other than McCoy to beat Tom Baker to the top spot, and McCoy won in 1990 - when he was the incumbent.

Generally speaking, people do seem to go for the most recent and/or the most obvious choice. Think about James Bond - Connery is the cliched choice for favourite, with most people now praising Craig as the best since Connery. Die Another Day is now see as an unrealistic travesty of a Bond movie, that the high grossing Casino Royale has corrected. However, when Die Another Day was released, the short term memories of the populace saw Brosnan as the best Bond since Connery and Die Another Day was a return to form for the film series.

I guess I am just thinking it would be more interesting if the poll had said Troughton or Pertwee was the best Doctor, although in fairness the results as they stand seem to have given people something to talk about...

The N.O.


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