Friday, November 10, 2006

Jon Snow - Utter Wanker

Jon Snow seems to be labouring under the delusion that because he can read off an autocue for a news programme, he is some sort of cultural guru - someone who people look up to and seek advice from. And he is using this delusion as an excuse to pontificate on poppies.

Apparently he doesn't wear one because he does not want to promote any symbols on TV. Which is fine. Although quite why the complete and total fucking fucktarded cunt would object to wearing a symbol of rememberance for men and women who gave their lives fighting for their country is totally beyond me.

What really pisses me off is his claim of "poppy facism". He defines it as:

"...a rather unpleasant breed of poppy fascism out there - 'He damned well must wear a poppy!'"

Actually, what the Royal British Legion says is:

"While we are extremely grateful for the support shown to us by all those in the public eye who wear a poppy in the two weeks leading up to Remembrance Sunday, we see this as a voluntary gesture of support and would never prescribe when and how any member of the public wears one." (My emphasis)

Probably worth pointing out that no-one orders anyone to wear a poppy. And that wearing a poppy is actually about remembering those who died fighting forms of facism in a variety of different wars.

And I am sure there are some people out there who feel Snow "damn well should wear a poppy". Which is fine, Snow, maybe they disagree with you. Except, actually, they don't:

"Well I do, in my private life, but I am not going to wear it or any other symbol on air."

Riigggghhhtttt, so what you are saying is that you wear a poppy in your private life, when no-one sees you, but refuse to on air? This is just being controversial for controversy's sake! If you believe that wearing a poppy is good, then wear one. If you don't, don't. But don't start bleating on about not wearing symbols for charities and causes on TV that you actually believe in. It is called sticking to your beliefs, Snow.

It also appears that Snow's ego is spectacularly large - it appears he sees himself as a national icon rather than a grey blur of a news reader who could very easily be replaced by speak your weight machine:

"I am begged to wear an Aids ribbon, a breast cancer ribbon, a Marie Curie flower... You name it, from the Red Cross to the RNIB, they send me stuff to wear to raise awareness, and I don't."

I'll bet they ask you to wear their symbols. I'll bet that national and international charities ask a lot of people to wear their symbols. They don't need to beg. And I'll bet that the fact that you refuse to wear one, Snow, is at worst mildly irritating for them, and at best completely and totally bastard irrelevant.

And he jabbers on:

"My ties are abstract... You may say my ties, my socks are a statement anyway. But of what? A statement of rebellion? Joy? Absurdity? You see we don't know what the statement is - if indeed there is one - and that is as it should be."

Your ties are shite, John. And I don't think they represent a statement at all. I think they are indicative of one of two things though - either that you have zero dress sense and can't be arsed to looking in a mirror before going on air, or that you wear crap ties to convince people that you have a personality. You're like the Geography teacher at school who wears a Simpons tie - trying to be cool, trying to be different, when in fact you are just horrifcally, jaw droppingly dull.

And Snow further illustrates his pig ignorant arrogance with this gem of a statement:

"I won't be wearing a black tie for anyone's death - I don't for my own relatives, so why on earth would I for anyone else's?"

Called respect, Snow. You wear a black tie to show your respect. Good that you treat your family with utter contempt though.

And contempt is what I look at Snow with. You know what? On the day you shuffle off this mortal coil, Snow, I will be wearing a mickey mouse tie and a poppy just to show how little I think of you. That's if I get to hear about your death, Snow. Because I am very hopeful that people will realise you are a sanctimonious irrelevance and your death will come and go without being reported.

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At 10:26 pm , Blogger anonymous said...

Have a listen to the Remembrance podcast on iTunes or on the Royal British Legion blog. It's a good way to remember what it's all about.

At 11:06 pm , Blogger towcestarian said...

I have just a smidgen of sympathy for J Snow's comments. I buy a poppy (several) every year and wear them about the house, but never in public just to fuck off the poppy fascists. Its my duty of remebrance, and if this upsets some withered, old, tut-tutting slag who in another generation would be wandering about the parks with a quiver of white feathers, well, fuck her.

And don't get me started on Red-Nose Day fascist fuckwits.

At 6:09 pm , Blogger Disillusioned and Bored said...

I totally agree with you.


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