Monday, November 06, 2006

Still Not Listening...

Our Dear Leader shows that, no matter what happens, he is going to ignore all opposition and plough ahead with ID cards.

Fuck me, he's an ignorant prig, isn't he?

Apparently the issue "more one about "modernity" than about civil liberties". Ermmmm, what the frig fuck are you jabbering about, Blair? I mean, what the Christ does modernity mean? Are you trying appear fashionable? Are you trying to appear important and flash next to your fellow world leaders by forcing this ridculous scheme on your people? Is this like having the latest BMW amongst the G8 leaders? "Oh, I'm so much more swish than you - I've got the latest biometric ID cards being forced down the throats of my proles - what you got, Bushie boy?"

And, not being funny, Bliar, but the issue is entirely about civil liberties. If you had taken 30 fucking seconds out of you miserable, excremental excuse for a life to listen to what the critics have said about ID cards you would have heard that a lot - if not most - of the criticisms are based on the negative impact they will make on civil liberties.

The BBC goes on to say:

"He insisted the project was on budget and on schedule and should be running by 2008"

Well, whether it is on budget or not is largely irrelevant to me. NuLabour are still pissing away billions of pounds of public money on something that is just so fucking stupid. I could argue that spending a small fortune on crack and cheap whores is OK, as long as it fits within my budget. I would be fucking wrong, as would be evidenced by the drug problem and dose of the clap that I would gain from my expenditure. It doesn't matter whether ID cards are on budget or not - they still remain a massive wanking away of public money on something that will have a largely negative effect on the UK.

"They were not a "complete solution" to problems such as benefit fraud, illegal immigration and terrorism, he (Blair) added."

Well, I agree with that - the problem is that Tone hasn't gone far enough. ID cards aren't even a partial solution to benefit fraud, illegal immigration and terrorism. The 7/7 bombers would have been carrying ID cards. And an over-priced lump of plastic would have done nothing to stop the carnage those four misfits created in London on that day.

"He told his monthly news briefing they would allow the UK "to check accurately those coming in" for the first time."

What sort of illogical nonsense logic is this? I'll tell you what I always though would allow the UK to accurately check those coming in - a passport. Crazy, eh? Just the solution we have been using for decades. And I don't accept the argument that passports can be forged - I don't doubt that ID cards will be forged as well. In fact, give me a bit of lego and a dodgy passport photo and I will give it a go myself.

If Blair was not a close minded, self absorbed cockmuncher he would realise that ID cards are a massive waste of time and money - which ulitmately offer nothing to the people he is supposed to be representing. In order to realise that he is on a hiding to nothing with ID cards he would have to listen to other people. Which is about as likely as Blair admitting he is wrong. Which is about as likely as monkeys flying out of my butt singing Ave Maria.

Blair = ignorant fucktard. In case you didn't know that already.

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