Sunday, April 02, 2006

One Year On

Well, a year ago the man I tended to refer to as JP2 passed away after a long illness. And one year on I am still struggling to decide what to make of him.

Now I am not a Catholic; in fact, I would struggle to call myself a believer of any religion. But I don't think anyone can deny the impact that the Catholic Church makes on the world, particularly in the developing nations. And given the Pope is the infallible leader of that Church, even atheists must acknowledge the impact John Paul II had on the world.

And I think John Paul II did do a great deal of good. His solidarity with, well, Solidarity was just as important to ending the Cold War and bringing down the Soviet Union as anything Reagan or Gorbachev did. His decision to forgive his would be assassin is an excellent Christian message for the world. Whilst dying a slow death he still managed to oppose the Iraq War. But...

His refusal to acknowledge the need for contraception when millions of Catholics in the Third World are crying out for it is difficult to defend, as was his opposition to abortion. STD's and unwanted pregnancy will have increased owing to his belief that contraception is a sin. His views on homosexuality were hopelessly outdated. And his refusal to really acknowledge and deal with the US paedophilia scandal is difficult to defend on any level.

So when they talk about sainthood for John Paul, I am just not sure. History may come to view him as a great man, but I think it is more likely he will be seen as a divisive figure - someone who is next to impossible to judge.

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