Why Is Rick Perry So Terrifying?
The news that Rick Perry has joined the race for the Republican nomination for President sends a shiver down my spine. He is exactly the sort of politician that the US does not need – a bellicose God-botherer who is perfectly happy to send the mentally retarded to the execution chamber despite commandments in his religion like “thou shalt not kill”. He’s for freedom, just so long as it is economic – if you’re gay and you want to marry someone of the same gender, your freedom should be curtailed in the strange worldview of this Christian fundamentalist. And while I’m pretty liberal when it comes to gun laws, I can’t help but feel doing something like this makes you look like a total dickhead:

But Perry is not alone in many of these opinions; increasingly, these represent the sort of stances that a Republican candidate must take if they want to have any chance of being successful. So why is Perry particularly terrifying?
I think it is the fact that he is George W. Bush but Bush Junior turned up to 11. From what I’ve seen and heard of Perry, he makes Bush Junior – the worst President of the United States in living memory – look like a subtle and nuanced thinker in whom you could have complete confidence. And that is what makes Perry such a dangerous option for the Republicans and, if nominated, the US as a whole. After all, we know how it ended for George W. Bush. Why on earth would anyone want to replicate the sorry farrago that was Bush Junior’s presidency? Or, even worse, risk an even more extreme version of it?
And it is this sort of candidate who makes Obama look like the best option. Obama is a weak, compromised president but he does at least come across as far saner than many of his Republican rivals. And this may well be the factor that gets him a second term – not that he’s any good, but just that he’s less mental than those he fights elections against.
So to any Republicans reading this and preparing to vote in next year’s primaries – Rick Perry: just say no.
Labels: Bush, Christian Fundamentalism, Election 2012 (US), Idiots, Obama, Perry
"not that he’s any good, but just that he’s less mental than those he fights elections against"
It is starting to look that way, isn't it?
You're correct in your dismissal of this guy, but it makes it even stranger that you reject the libertarian candidate you-know-who.
The Republican field this year really is piss poor and leaves me with little hope we'll see any real improvement in US direction following 2012. Gary Johnson and Ron Paul are just about the only decent candidates and neither of them stands any chance.
He was Al Gore's campaign manager, enough said.
"A poll conduced by Azimuth Research Group finds Mr. Paul leading Mr. Perry in their home state of Texas."
But you won't hear that one Fox.
I don't reject Ron Paul, I'm just pointing out that I don't want to donate to his campaign and that he has bugger all chance of winning the nomination, let alone the presidency.
This sort of thing is tiresome, and can resolved by you actually reading what I write.
Wahey! Rick Perry for president! Hoo-ah! Yeeee-haw, motherfucker! Time to take back America!
I think you just resent people with a sense of humour.
Well, I think Rick Perry's a joke, but one that would cease to be funny if he actually became President.
No.. the jokes on you.
Oh, I see. And there was me thinking you were just talking meaningless bullshit.
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